The Lucky Compass (Pt. 3)

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You hang out with trash, you get dirty.


"Now, why don't you just be chill and not make me chase you?" Shoupe calls from his car. Juniper discreetly walks behind John B where he gives her the compass. "Hands where I can see 'em." He says. 

Juniper slips the compass into her back pocket before following instructions. John B does the same and the two wait for the cop to arrest them. Shoupe grabs John B's hands and interlocks them behind his back before placing cuffs on his wrist. "Lovely to see you again, Juniper. I'd hate to see what your dad is going to say when he posts your bail." He taunts while also cuffing her. She locks her jaw and shakes her head in annoyance. 

The ride to the station was silent while thoughts about her dad raced through Juniper's head. Little did she know that John B was thinking about his dad, as well. When they pulled up the station, Shoupe helped John B out first and then Juniper before walking them into the station. He sits her down on one of the black chairs in the waiting room.

"Stay right here and don't move." The officer instructs firmly while taking off her handcuffs.

She just smiles widely and brings her fingers up to salute the man, except when she pulls her hand down, she flips him off. He scoffs before muttering, "Bitch," under his breath. He then guides John B to Sheriff Peterkin's office before leaving to go to his own. 

"Can someone call my dad, please?" Juniper asks when she walks up to the counter with the receptionist. 

"Yeah, of course! You can, actually. Go ahead and use the phone to your right and hit 9 before you type in his number." The lady responds kindly before going back to her computer.

"Thank you." Juniper responds. She slowly types in her dad's phone number to mentally prepare herself for yet another lecture. She finally brings the phone to her ear when she finishes and takes a deep breathe while listening to the faint beeping. 

"Hello?" Mike responds on the fourth ring.

"Hey, dad. So, funny story..." Juniper starts slowly.

"Oh, god. What did you do now?" He asks, irritated that he had to stop work because of his daughter's antics.

"Well, I kinda, sorta am at the police station..." She starts. The receptionist gives her a sympathetic smile before glancing back at her computer. 

"What did you just say? Why the hell are you at the police station?! You know what, I don't even want to know." He yells while Juniper purses her lips. There is a long silence while Mike takes in the information. "I'll be there in five minutes." He snaps before hanging up the phone. 

Juniper slowly lowers the phone and puts it back. She turns around to sit in the chair that she was in before to wait.

"Tough, dad, huh?" The receptionist asks, sympathetically.

"Oh, just wait until I tell him that I got arrested with a boy." Juniper says and lets out a sarcastic chuckle while shaking her head.

"I'm sorry. That's gotta be rough. I mean, it's expected that he would bring you down with him." The lady responds. Juniper looks at the woman with shock.

"What?" The girl asks, bewildered.

"I mean, he is a Pogue, after all, and his friend. The blonde. He's in here a lot, too. It's just a shame that they are pulling you down the wrong path." The lady responds.

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