Dead Calm (Pt.1)

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I'm gonna need that in large denominations, please.


The next morning, Juniper woke up and immediately got dressed. Last night they all agreed to meet at the Château when they each first woke up. Junie put on her favorite white halter crop top with dark blue flowers and paired it with some light shorts. She straightened her hair and put her normal makeup on before tying her white high top converse. She put on her perfume before putting some gold jewelry on and leaving her room. She went downstairs and didn't see anyone. She looks outside in confusion and sees that only her car is here. Kiara must have already left. 

Junie jumps in her little white car and heads to the Château. She sees Sarah and Kiara sitting in the Twinkie with the sliding door open and Pope, JJ, and John B we're making something.

"Hey, girlies." She greets once she walks over to the van. 

"Hey! Damn, girl! You look hot!" Sarah compliments.

"Thanks, I try." Juniper responds with a smile.

"We are looking over the paper that the boys made for us." Kie explains. Junie climbs in and looks at it. She immediately scrunches up her face. "He said it looked something like this."

"Who's he? John B?" Juniper asks.

"Mm-hm." Sarah confirms. "So..."

"That's 50 feet down and they're using 100-feet rope. So I guess this little wagon will go..." Kie starts explaining. Sarah can't help it and starts laughing at the terrible drawing. "... straight into the gold room." 

"Who drew this?" Juniper asks and chuckles at the little kid drawing.

"Who do you think?" Kira replies and turns her head to look at Pope, only to see that he's already looking at them.

"Kie! This better work." JJ says and sets three clean bars on gold on the van in front of the girls. "We can't pawn this if there's a giant wheat symbol on it." 

"What are You planning on doing?" Juniper asks. 

"We're going to put it in a pan on the concrete and use a blowtorch on it." Kie answers.

"Uhm... I don't know. This could get really dangerous, guys." Juniper says hesitantly.

"Of course you would say that, everything is dangerous to you." John B says.

"Seriously, Junie, you get way too worried." Pope adds.

"No, guys. Seriously! Look the melting point of gold is 1,948 degrees! And the temperature that the blowtorch gets to is twice that, if not, more." She exclaims. "I'm serious, doing it on the ground is not smart. Just put it on that old stove right there." Juniper says and points to John B's rusty old stove. They decide to do what she says because she sounds like she knows what she's talking about. 

"Here we go." Kie says and grabs the blowtorch.

"Wait!" Juniper exclaims and grabs some near by gloves and goggles. She hands them to her sister with a smile and Kie reluctantly puts them on. "Okay."

Now that she was protected, Kie turns on the blowtorch and melts it down as best as she can. 

Once she's done, they let it cool before piling into the van to go to the pawn shop.

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