Pilot (Pt. 4)

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Sarah, can I interest you in a tasty Milwaukee beverage?


"Chug! Chug! Chug!" The crowd chants in a circle around Juniper and a Touron who challenged her to a chugging contest. The alcohol glides down the girl's throat with ease and soon enough she throws the empty cup on the ground. 

"Whoo-Oop!" The girls exclaims while throwing her hands in the air when she notices the boy still drinking.

"Hell, yeah! That's my girl!" JJ cheers before running up behind her and wrapping his arms around her. He lifts her off the ground and spins around while she is laughing hysterically. The boy finally stops drinking and throws his cup on the ground in anger muttering how stupid this game was.

The sky starts to grow darker and bonfires start to get brighter. Juniper notices Pope talking to a girl so she discreetly walks passed them to see what they were talking about.

"It's kinda weird when on TV, we see people die, and they just kinda sit there, but in actuality, they would be shitting and farting up a storm."  Pope says nervously.

Oh, dear god.

"Pope! Hey!" Juniper says, deciding to save the now uncomfortable girl.

"Hey, Junie!" He responds with a small grin.

"Uhm, I need to borrow you for a sec." She says before turning to the girl. "Is that ok?" She asks her politely, even though she already knows the answer.

"Oh, please, go for it. I was just about to get a refill anyway." The girl responds in relief. She gets up and starts to walk past Juniper before whispering a 'thank you.'

"My pleasure." She responds. "Pope, buddy. We need to talk." She wraps an arm around Pope's shoulders, or tries to anyway, but fails from how short she is. So, she wraps it around his bicep instead while his hands are in his pockets. They start to walk towards John B slowly.

"So, I feel like you should have a little bit of advice on the subject of talking to girls." Juniper starts.

"Yeah...." He responds while scratching the back of his head.

"So, the first piece of advice I have for you...."


"...Maybe try to keep the conversation off of deceased people pooping." She suggests with a little pat from her hand on his arm.

"Yeah. That's a good suggestion." He says nodding with pursed lips.

"Hey, Junie! What's up!" John B says when he sees her and Pope walking towards him. His smile falters instantly when he sees her hand wrapped around Pope's bicep.

"Hey, Johnny Boy!" She exclaims, immediately getting excited. She runs up to him and jumps in his arms while wrapping her legs around his torso. He immediately grabs her thighs to keep her from falling and isn't exactly hating the position. "Mwah!" She makes a noise when she kisses his cheek and giggles at his shocked face. She hops down and greats the girl that John B was talking to before-hand. 

"Hey, I'm Juniper!" She says.

"Maddie." The girl responds with a small smile. She can't help but notice Juniper's charisma. She looks absolutely stunning in her red crop top and dark washed, high-waisted shorts. Her black bikini bottoms were showing from the sides of her shorts and she was positively radiant. Her long curly brown hair went down to the middle of her waist and sat perfectly.

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