brain or heart

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After so many years. they grow up and emerge as huge doctors. Dani accepted to marry her after all that befell her. They lived in the residence with peace and calm, Sonia cherished him with her body and soul. he was once everything in her life, but Dani didn't confess yet about what he is attempting for, because he desired to kill her, furthermore he didn't find a way that made him innocent.

A foggy day, when she woke up to go to the hospital. Dani didn't work that day, and he began questioning about something to do to her, and the genius found something that no one will even think used to be his idea. The scorpion and The idea were once to deliver a scorpion and let it in the bed, and when she will try to sleep the scorpion will bite her, and she will die with the poison.

Sonia is in the hospital, and thinking about her love for him. She was questioning about making a new gift to Dani. What no person knows about the narcissist is at the back of that robust face, there is an innocent soul that can sacrifice her life for him.

Dani searched for a scorpion, and he determined a black one, which can kill an elephant with its poison, and when Sonia went lower back to the house she located him preparing some meals for her. She gets very comfortable and gave him the gift. It used to be a satisfactory watch.

"Thank you, my darling"Dani said with a happy voice and smiling.

"I was wondering about you all day," Sonia said with an innocent voice.

"Me too, I was once ready for you, come on let's eat, "Dani said, with a deep voice of evil.

"Okay, so inform how your day was in the house, "Sonia asked.

"Out with my buddies "Dani replied with a fake smile.

"Do you favor me to wait for you?" Sonia said.

"No, I will remain for many hours. You know, it's such a length that I didn't go with my friends" Dani said.

"Yes, have fun, my love," Sonia said.

"See you later," Dani said.

Hell has been existed forever, with its negativity that blackens heaven, earth, and life

The black scorpion was in the bed. Dani put it inside it. Soniawwas was still in the kitchen, and she didn't go to sleep yet when she is preparing some coffee, and suddenly someone knocked on the door.

"Who can that be in this night, it's too late," Sonia said inside her mind with a questioning voice.

"Hey, Sonia" Her friend Lyna said.

"Long times no see, how are you? Enter come in!" Sonia shouted with a happy voice.

"No I have to go and I simply was thinking if Dani is ok?" Lyna asked with a wondering voice.

"He is good, why?" Sonia replied strangely.

"I saw him this morning taking from our garden a scorpion, he was looking out for It," Lyna said.

"What! A scorpion? "Sonia shocked and said.

"Yes, I'm certain about what I saw" Lyna seriously said.

"Whatever, you are so loopy go and never come back," Sonia asked and started shouting.

"Please! Something is going to happen" Lyna begged her and asked.

Sonia closed the door in front of her. Lyna thought that Sonia didn't agree with her, but the reality is Sonia was once about to think about it. She entered h and every room in the house, looking out cautiously until she found it. She was so surprised and greatly shocked in ate equal time.

"Lyna was telling the truth, and he put it in the bed. So he tried to kill me. The betrayal is doing the same fault, but I will show him no mercy this time "Sonia said with an angry face and evil voice. Sonia killed the scorpion and brought the poison from it and put it inside a little bottle.

Dani was once questioning the backyard of the house with sadness. He felt so guilty. after all Sonia loved him with her soul, so at the last minute he went again to the house to locate her already slept, he searched except making any noises about the scorpion, but he didn't determine it, so he supposed that the scorpion went outside the house.

Sunshine of a new morning, when Dani woke up, and he didn't find Sonia.

"Where is she? Maybe she is in the hospital"Dani asked curiously.

Sonia changed and became very cold. After what happened, fortunately, she did recognize that Dani didn't and will never love her. She ought to barely seem to be to her face in the reflection because she will be mindful of the doctor she killed. She is feeling guilty. That was a bad sign. After finishing her job, she attempted to talk to him and understand what he wants.

"I was waiting for you where have you been," Dani asked and thinking she doesn't know about him

"Tell me the fact. Why do you desire to kill me with the scorpion?" Sonia asked with a cold and calm voice.

"With scorpion?" Dani was scared and stated.

"I recognize everything. Now reply to me. Do you hate me? "Sonia said.

"Every second, every moment" Dani shouted with angry eyes and a strong voice that gave her the feeling of hate and revenge.

"Do you desire to take my life? "Sonia said.

"No need to, you will kill me and go away alone as always" Dani replied.

After many hours of screaming, subsequently Dani goes out of the residence letting her cry and crying. He told her everything he felt towards her, and Sonia never believed that she made someone who hates her like him. In all cultures, friendships are important relationships throughout a person's life. When we select our friends we look for those who share similar qualities and interests, people to whom we can reveal our realest selves without fear of judgement or rejection.

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