Death of Sonia

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After arriving in the new town, the team's spirits are lifted by the sense of being near to the mission. Lyna noticed the darkness while walking across town. The air is chilly, and the sky is gloomy and cloudy. Sonia was looking out the window when she sensed something horrible was going to happen.

"I have the impression that I am very close to the murderer." Lyna said.

"Are you still planning to murder her?" Missa inquired.

"I've got to finish her." Lyna responded, clearly serious and confident in what she stated.

"Let's split up and look for her." Sami stated.

"No. We shouldn't be apart because what if we met her? We're not sure if we'll receive a surprise." Missa said.

"My cousin could be with her right now." Don't worry, he'll notice me. He will also assist us." David stated.

The squad headed to the town center, seeking for Sonia everywhere and asking everyone they met about her. They didn't allow anyone in until they located a clothing store guarded by officers. The crew approached the man and inquired.

"Sir, what happened here?" Lyna inquired.

"Someone assassinated her." The man responded.

"The store's saleswoman was found dead." The man responded.

The crew instantly assumed that Sonia was the murderer, but they didn't know why. David was reading a newspaper when he noticed Sonia's image, and everyone recognized what had transpired in the store.

"Sonia had met the saleswoman. "I'm certain of it." Lyna said.

"I have no doubts," David remarked.

"This suggests we're really close to her." Missa said.

"I hope she didn't leave town and flee as she usually does." Sami stated.

"No, I don't believe so." Lyna responded.

James appeared in front of them out of nowhere. When David spotted him, he called out his name.

"It's my cousin James!" David yelled.

"David, David!" "What exactly are you doing here?" James inquired oddly.

"We were on the lookout for you." Lyna said.

"Is that you once more?" "I remember your face." James stated.

"Yes, I was aware of that." Lyna said.

"What happened to the man who was with you on that day?" James inquired.

"He was murdered by Sonia." Lyna's response to his query was melancholy. James was taken aback when he saw her. He didn't believe her at first, but David and the team explained all that had transpired and how much he was innocent with Sonia, who had deceived him and lied to him for years. James informed them that he had allowed her into the residence. It was a heated debate among team members whether to call the cops or murder her. To conclude, only one decision was made, and that was to inform the cops.

"The cops have arrived. "Let me inform them right away," David said.

"All right, let's go." Lyna said.

David informed the cops everything, and an alert has been issued to find the murderer. The detectives accompanied the squad to the residence where James had left her alone. The officers smashed down the door and entered, only to discover that Sonia had fled the home.

The officers and squad were taken aback. How could she have known they were on their way?

"Perhaps she anticipated I'd call the cops." James stated.

"We have to find her right away." Missa said.

Lyna becomes enraged. She recalled murdering Steven and Dani. What a cruel person she was. She walked away from the team and the cops. Lyna chose So "Wait, Lyna, don't go by yourself." Missa yelled.

"Where are you going, Sonia?" David stated.

Lyna did not return and went in search of Sonia. Sonia was going to leave the hamlet when she heard a voice. She had been looking left and right till she located a young man and asked him how to leave the area by boat.

"You're not going anywhere," Lyna predicted.

"Was that you, Lyna?" Sonia inquired. Then she instructed the young man to leave them alone.

"You were callous in your murder of Steven. You ruined both my heart and my life." Lyna sadly said.

"I, too, intended to murder you, Lyna, but it didn't work." Now I have to finish what I've already started." Sonia stated.

"You're going to die this time." Lyna said.

Lyna suddenly hurled the potion that the old with gave it to her at Sonia's face, but it missed her.

"What are you doing, you idiotic girl?" Sonia stated.

Lyna was in a panic, so she tried the second potion, but it didn't work either

"I'm going to murder you, Lyna." Sonia yelled angrily as she attempted to choke her neck. That moment when Lyna was on the verge of death and death seemed to be closing in on her. She closed her eyes and felt as faint as a flood of recollections brought back memories of her friends and Steven, when they were together and how he held and kissed her. Lyna regained her strength and pulled the knife from her pocket, striking Sonia in the heart. It was an unexpectedly powerful strike, even for Sonia. She couldn't strangle her any longer, so she let go of her neck.

"Impossible!" Sonia stated. She began to bleed and moved away from Lyna till she collapsed and died.

Lyna didn't think she'd ever be able to slay the narcissist killer. After a few seconds, the police and their crew arrived at the location. Everyone was stunned; in the end, Lyna got her vengeance from the murderer. It was a terrible conclusion when darkness was ended by death and no one learned how to turn on the light again. The most prevalent instrument of darkness is hatred, vengeance, and killing. Lyna and the gang returned to their hometown after Sonia died. They lived in peace, albeit with the tears of the previous tragedy.

We can choose love with our hearts, but our brains should always be there. Never make a decision without giving it reasonable thought.

Lyna and her sad story never ended, she was doomed in darkness forever until she decided to join the team of the general Carlos, john's father who was once the biggest mafia boss in the city.

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