The Enemy of love

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When life was meant to be fair enough to allow you to live in peace with the person you'd always wanted to live with. Being a decent person may be a negative thing at times; when you offend nasty people, you should reduce your worth to theirs. Despite the darkness of the entire world, love was always the light, or the candle that we had to take with us and destroy spirits of evil, and whatever demon exists, there will always be an angel to fight him and seek to spread love and happiness throughout the entire world, but what if the darkness succeeded and the angel was sunk in blood and doomed in the hell of hate and revenge? What if darkness closes the earth's celestial entrances and kills our love? What if killers murder lovers? This is what will happen if angels and decent people do not strive to combat the darkness on their own. It will give darkness and its servants a tremendous instrument to become even stronger than before, and at this pace, everyone will die with regrets and never return to the beauty of life and heaven on Earth. Some individuals will constantly strive to make you live in hell on earth since that is the meaning of life for them, and it is their main goal. They will attempt to end your life. That doesn't mean they have to be your adversaries; they may be an old friend, a lover, or your child. Nobody knows how evil can imitate and in what shape. When you forgive them, they will be irritated because they expected you to be like them and act worse than they did. They want you to be the devil himself, displaying your dark side to the rest of the world. All of this is done for one reason: to make you unclean, just like they are. But even if darkness tried to spread love will stop her one day. Love your enemies, show them how a white heart you have and how a pure soul you had be given with. That love has a redeeming power within it and there is a force at work that finally alters people. Just continue to be pleasant to that individual. Just keep loving them, and they won't be able to take it any longer, and one day the will knee for the purity of your life.

Make an effort to become acquainted with several permutations of the worst enemy question. They are all designed to learn the same thing about you as a possible employee. When Sonia sent a letter to Lyna asking about her life which made Steven and Sonia in wondering situation and asking the question why would she ask about our life what her interest is? Lyna didn't think for a second that James had already contacted Sonia, but Steven wasn't so calm for her letter, because Sonia asked Lyna where they are living and invited them to the island. Sonia was obviously attempting for something, and Steven could predict that she wants to kill him. Lyna was stupid enough to believe that her best friend is innocent even if there are a lot of lies like the story of James. The difficulty we have accepting responsibility for our actions stems from our wish to escape the agony of the repercussions of our actions. Lyna had no idea that she was putting herself and her husband Steven in terrible risk.

Steven stepped outdoors after a heated argument with Lyna. When he couldn't persuade her not to go see Sonia, Lyna wanted to question Sonia about all the rumors she had heard. Despising everything and attempting suicide by going to the island was a suicide attempt. Giving the devil a chance to control and murder you is more than foolishness. Outside, Steven was with a friend and told him what he knew. His buddy cautioned him not to go where Sonia is, and Steven stated that Dani is on the island and that everyone knows he is a very kind guy, who will never injure anybody, but Steven's friend gave him counsel, or should we say a solution. He urged him to write a note and leave it in the home, and after they leave, his buddy would count three days and then phone the police to report that Sonia is on the island.

After all that had transpired, Lyna insisted on visiting the island.

"You're expecting." Did you overlook that?" Steven yelled at her, filled with dread.

"I know exactly what I'm doing. You'll be staying here. Nothing bad will happen to me if I only find out the truth. Don't be concerned." Lyna said.

"Do you still think they're all just rumors?" Steven stated.

"Perhaps it's true, maybe it's not. We'll never know whether we didn't offend her, Steven." Lyna responded.

"Okay but I will come with you." Steven said. He was afraid from what will happen in the island, specially no one will help them over there.

The enemy is always waiting for your weakness moment to take you down. They react in a variety of ways at first. They react with guilt feelings, and during that transition phase, they may dislike you much more. They can show you love with an innocent face. But if you stay believing them, they will take their chance and kill you without any mercy.

For Steven when he witnesses someone lying, it fills him with dread. He is referring to someone he know. A good buddy, and he's telling him something he believe, And then, as he or she is recounting the story, something happens that reveals their identity. They're not being truthful with him. Steven tried with all the ways to convince Lyna, but she will not understand him. Sometimes letting go is better. We don't have to understand and know everything. The greatest lesson of all time is to accept life precisely as it comes to us. What is not for us we shouldn't search for it

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