another crime

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There is a lot of love and hate in this world, and the fires were extinguished as darkness revealed its power. People are doomed to perish. I closed my eyes and imagined a world that would make me joyful as I was supposed to be.

The elderly witch instructed Lyna and her pals to apply the two potions on Sonia in order to permanently halt and kill her. Missa was hesitant at times; unable to make a decision to join Lyna and the gang, but Sami attempted to persuade her.

It's the morning when everyone awakens with a heavy heart and a sense of helplessness.

"She is a murderer, Missa, and we must stop her." Sami stated.

"I knew Sami, but I'm not like her." I'm not going to become a serial killer." Missa responded.

"I understand, Missa, and you are not required to accompany me." Lyna stated that she was not irritated since she understood her friend's desire.

"We need you Missa, please don't go right now." Sami inquired.

"I don't want to go home." My mom would be upset, and she will not allow if we go for Sonia, but I think we should go and bring some food and rest with us, so maybe you can reconsider Missa." David stated.

"I'd forgotten about you." You genuinely reside in this village. "How did you miss Sonia's house?" Lyna inquired.

"To tell you the truth, I lived here for two years." I don't know many people around here. I was close to my cousin James, but I was often traveling with my father. That explains why I don't know many people here." David responded.

"All right, let's go." Sami stated.

"I'm hoping to alter my mind." Missa expressed her sadness.

When the company arrived at David's house, they saw his mother making lunch.

"Oh, my child! "I've missed you." David's mother said as she hugged him.

"Mom! "I missed you as well." David stated.

"You brought your lovely friends to our place." According to the mother.

"Yes, mother." David remarked this as he handed them to his mum.

She was overjoyed, but she could see they were planning something horrible. She attempted to inquire, but no one responded. Missa was the one who told her everything, she thought. David's mother was adamant about keeping them. They persisted and informed her of the cause. The mother advised that they find her but not murder her, instead take her to the police. Everyone agreed with her that the only thing they needed to do was calm her down and stop making sounds.

After spending two days in David's residence, the gang decided to resume their hunt for Sonia.

On the opposite side, in the new town, James and Sonia were united.

"You seem so depressed, my darling. What's the matter with you?" James inquired politely, and he was concerned about Sonia's health.

"I'm not sure, but I'm feeling really weak today." Sonia stated.

"What's the matter?" James inquired once again.

"You fool; you ask a lot of questions. Oh, I forgot to mention that you are not a doctor like me." Sonia criticized him and yelled at him.

When she spoke to him in this manner, James felt weak. Actually, this is a narcissist personality trait that makes you feel that you're not as good as he is, or that you're not good enough for the relationship to even have a quiet chat with him. People suffer in quiet because they accept the other. Why should we accept quiet when we don't agree with someone? Is it because we are afraid of them, or because we are weak in front of them? Any issue, according to the justice of life, requires a response, and not just any answer, but a clear and outstanding one.

Sonia walked outside the home by herself, shopping for new clothing for herself. When she entered the store, there was a really gorgeous girl who stared oddly at Sonia.

"Your face appears to be so near to mine." Strangely, the saleswoman said.

"I'm sorry, I'm not from around here." You are clearly incorrect." Sonia responded, and she became agitated when she heard her.

"I don't believe I'm mistaken, but how can I assist you?" stated the saleswoman

The liar and the killer didn't succeed this time because the saleswoman suspected her from the start and she already knew because the police had plastered Sonia's photo everywhere. The saleswoman attempted to remain cool until Sonia exited the store, and then she planned to inform the police, but Sonia isn't that simple. The killer had just one challenge: killing for the first time. After that, killing will be second nature to him. Something does not require a lot of thought. Sonia realized the saleswoman knew her actual identity with just one look in her eyes, so she tried to confuse her with a lot of inquiries about clothes, and when the store was empty of customers, Sonia strode over to the saleswoman and strangled her till she died. Sonia hurriedly shut the store door and exited the store. Sonia had committed yet another crime. People in the community found out about the murdered saleswoman after only a few minutes. Everyone became enraged and demanded to know who the murderer was. Unfortunately, no one is aware. Sonia walked to the home, and James was standing outside when he heard about the incident. He didn't think about Sonia at all till he returned home. He could see Sonia was anxious.

"Hello, James. I have something to tell you." Sonia said her voice tense.

"What exactly is it, Sonia?" "What's the matter?" James inquired oddly.

"I believe we need to change this new town." Sonia stated.

"What? Are you sure you're not joking? Why do you wish to change the place, and why are you so stressed?" James was furious and yelled at her face.

The moment when James asked that question was the point that Sonia didn't expect from him. What she will do?

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