poor heart

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Sonia was still debating with Lyna and Steven when she realized she was about to fail them. Lyna is now persuaded, and Steven will safeguard his love, she realized. As a result, she began weeping in front of them. When they saw her in such state, their hearts were devastated. Steven had misgivings despite the fact that she was a poor girl who made a lot of blunders. He couldn't stop thinking about what the old witch had said to him about Sonia. He decided to let her free and travel outside the island with Lyna. Sonia couldn't let them go so lightly, especially after learning that Steven would inform the police and Lyna as well. Her mind began to form nasty schemes. She was humiliated in front of them, and in an attempt to make amends, she apologized. She pleaded and cried until Lyna held Sonia and persuaded Steven to wait.

"We shouldn't let her like that Steven" Lyna sadly said.

"She is a very good actress. I can see that in her eyes." Steven said and he was so serious and severe.

"Don't act like that Steven. We are humans, and we all make mistakes." Lyna said.

"Yes Lyna we all make mistakes, but that doesn't mean we kill people or threating them with killing. This is not a mistake, but a crime." Steven replied.

"Please don't be so severe like that with me." Sonia begged them and said.

"Steven please!" Lyna asked from Steven to stay. Steven was right, because Sonia didn't deserve to be a good person with a soft heart.

That scene was the most difficult in Steven's life. From one side, he was worried about Lyna, and from the other, he was scarred for his child within Lyna. Finally, he stated that he will remain, but not for long.

"Thank you Steven. I really appreciate that." Sonia said.

"We will wait for Dani." Lyna asked.

"Yes please. He will come home today." Sonia said with a begged voice.

Steven was on the verge of abandoning his plans to go out. His intellect was telling him there was something she was hiding, and his heart was asking him to trust her again, and this is where he made the great error, when he was like Lyna, a fool who thought Sonia was still in love with Dani. Waiting for Dani to arrive is like waiting for death to take you. The most dangerous person to a liar is the one who discovers falsehoods but does nothing about it, and Sonia intended to murder Steven since he is the cleverest, but she had to do so while pretending it was an accident. It's very difficult for Sonia because Lyna was constantly with him and they never split for a second. They felt like they were living with a ghost. Sonia was a skilled actor and a clever lady who could hide her genuine sentiments from others by putting on the mask of an innocent girl who couldn't hurt anyone. People communicate at right angles in real life. Sonia's personality is a hard one that does not like to exhibit weakness and prefers to avoid getting wounded by anybody, but she was forced to be weak today so that she could murder and achieve her goal. Lyna was so wounded as a consequence that she disguised her despair, anxiety, and frustration, and these negative feelings shone in her face like a sun. She wasn't as powerful as Sonia to conceal them. What we think and where we are at our weakest point is termed illusion, since our mind will want to guard and shield your soul from death and darkness. It's not the same for the narcissist who used to feel that he was the most important person in the world and that no one should care about him. What can you expect from someone who murdered his parents and little brother? What would you wait for from someone who may wipe out everyone on his path in order to achieve his terrible goal? Full of blood, sunk in darkness, and burnt with vengeance flames. They are really powerful. Even if Lyna loved Sonia again, she couldn't remove the darkness from her spirit. The devil, in fact, will always be there for them.

"It's already night, and Dani didn't come back." Steven told Lyna.

"Maybe he is not coming this night." Lyna replied.

Sonia was in the kitchen when she heard them, but she wasn't making supper; she was creating a somnolent medicine. After all, she used to be a doctor, and she was a top student in her class. What her soul learnt at medical school was science for evil. Who would have guessed that one day a brilliant medical student would become one of the world's most lethal killers? She works as a scientist. She was as pleased of herself as she witnessed her science being used for nefarious reasons, with calamity lurking ahead. Sonia's goal is to put Lyna and Steven to sleep so she can do what she planned to do from the start, but this will not work while Steven and Lyna are together. To be safe, she must separate them in some manner, since she recognized that if Steven knew or suspected any weird movement from Sonia, he would murder her. She was very calm in the kitchen when Steven came in strodily hunting for food.

"Please let me prepare for you something." Lyna said to Steven.

"I know who you are. When Dani will come back home I will tell him to come with us, and I will call the police and this time will pass all your rest of life in jail, and believe me this time no one will try to help you even your son." Steven said, and then he remembered her son Romeo.

"By the way where is Romeo, I can't see him. Is it still sleeping all the day?" Steven was wondering and he asked.

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