Blood of love

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Steven and Lyna are walking forward Sonia in the woodland. They were so far away, but they could see her. Sonia was heading to a location with a lantern in her hand, which made her visible, when the light went out and Sonia was no longer visible.

"Where has she gone?" "How come I can't see her anymore?" Lyna inquired.

"She could have realized we were rooting for her." Steven responded.

"Come on, let's go to the house." It's safer this way. We can borrow a kitchen knife." Lyna said.

"I don't suppose she allowed the door open," Steven remarked, certain that Sonia had taken every plan for her evil thinking. So they proceeded to the home, and just as Steven had said, it was closed. The serenity was instilling terror in me. It was a terrifying place. Bewailing echoed through the trees. Whether it's from someone on the island or a result of their anxieties. Sonia had an awful plan to torment them before murdering them. It was a strategy that would place them in a state of mental darkness prior to death, rendering them so weak that they would not even attempt to resist.

"How about we break the door?" Lyna inquired.

"No, if we break, we'll make a lot of noise." Let's go look for Dani and Romeo." Steven said, and then they proceeded back the way Sonia had gone before. Sonia was observing them and knows exactly what they're searching for. As a result, she made things simple. She lit a lantern fire and set it alight near a garage located outside the woodland. Steven and Lyna spotted it and strode over to it.

"Let's take it carefully now, Lyna." "We don't want her to notice us," Steven said to Lyna as they got closer to the light.

"I thought I heard something. "The voice of a boy." Lyna said.

"What? "I didn't hear anything." Steven's response was unusual.

"Look, she let this lamp here," Lyna pointed out.

"It wasn't here before. She had requested that we come here." Steven stated.

"There must be a purpose for that." "Don't you agree?" Lyna inquired.

"Let's get Lyna to the garage as soon as possible." Steven inquired.

"Steven, the door is shut. "What shall we do now?" Lyna inquired.

"No, Lyna, look over there, the key is over there." Please bring it." Steven stated.

Lyna brought the key after noticing some blood on the floor and began yelling and shouting. Steven couldn't believe what he was witnessing. Sonia was inside the house at the time, drinking coffee with a chilly heart and bad thoughts. She was a self-centered person who would do everything for her inner peace while caring nothing for everyone else. Sonia is described as egocentric and egoistic. How could she be so self-centered? This demonstrates that she is more concerned with herself than with others.

"Who's blood is it?" Lyna is sobbing and says.

"I'm not sure, but I believe we already know the answer." Steven responded in a horrified tone.

"Don't come in with me, Lyna." I'll go in by myself." Steven inquired.

"Please don't do it. We have no idea who is there." Lyna said.

"We don't have any other options," Steven explained.

Love is secure, ineffable, and an emotion that cannot be described in words. It's all about giving and taking. Being there for someone is what a genuine connection necessitates. When we fail to put up the effort, things do not work out with someone who may have been ideal for us. Love may be the finest feeling in the world if you put in the additional effort for someone who can reciprocate it. James, the boyfriend who was blinded by Sonia's true face and had no idea she was betraying him and lying to him all the time. When he received her final letter to him, she said that Steven and Lyna were lying to him and that they had never loved her, and that they were constantly attempting to tear her down and insult her. She told him how much she loved him and how much she still loves him. For a brief while, James was persuaded by her remarks, but his mother was not. Her intuition was considerably more accurate and assured. Loving better requires understanding what makes the other person happy and making him happy in the relationship, but James was never pleased; in fact, he pretended to be content with this poisonous connection. Who can be happy in the company of a narcissist? No one is the answer.

After a long debate with his mother, James was ultimately persuaded that Sonia is hiding something from him and that he must know the truth and see it with his own eyes. As a result, he decided to visit the island.

"I'm not sure I want to go there by myself, James," his mother responded.

"I have to go, mama, I'm a grown man." You don't need to be concerned about me." James stated.

"I recognize my son. But the island is so far away, and there are so many rumors about that girl. Let's locate a friend of yours to accompany you." According to his mother.

"Nice thought. I'll invite my cousin David to accompany me," James said.

"Great. Go to his house now." His mom asked.

James invited his cousin David to accompany him, and he agreed. That was an unusual vacation, but all of the guys enjoyed the journey.

"Do you still have feelings for that girl, James?" David remarked this while laughing at him.

"David, stop manufacturing jocks out of it." I'm going to find out where she is and what she's doing to on the island." James stated.

"Don't be upset. I'm only joking. All right, let's get ready and go." David responded.

"The reality is that I no longer trust her." James stated.

"Four days ago, I met a couple named Lyna and Steven, and they informed me that Sonia is now married to someone named Dani." Maybe it's a lie, but my mother always stated that people don't spread rumors all the time. We have to trust what they say every now and again." James yelled, his cheeks flushed with rage.

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