Dark magic

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The old woman refused to let them go out from the room. Lyna and Steven stood in front of the witch and begged her to let them get out.

"What do you want?" Lyna asked.

"Continue to be prudent Lyna." Steven asked.

"Don't you ever hear about magic and wizards?" the old woman said and with a cold look to Lyna.

"What do you mean?" Steven asked.

"Witchcraft has been around for at least as long as documented history. Witches can be found in religious literature, mythology, and folklore all across the world, but I can see you have no idea." The old woman quietly said and laughed.

"What kind of magic do you use? And what are you doing here in my friend's house?" Lyna shouted.

"I'm used to be the witch of dark magic. I can kill you both right now, but I'm not going to hurt you "the old woman peacefully said.

"Are you mad? There is no dark magic anymore." Steven wailed at her.

"Because black and light magic are fundamental energies related to distinct portions of the cosmos, despite the fact that it is not generally associated with individuals who employ it. I'm not waiting from you to understand what I said, but I have one question for you Miss." The old woman smoothly said.

"What do you want?" Lyna asked.

"You said before, this is your friend's house? Do you mean that killer Sonia?" the old woman confidently looked at her eyes, and unconcernedly said.

Lyna at that moment stopped from talking when she heard the truth that she didn't believe for too long. Steven didn't let the opportunity to show her more, by asking the witch.

"Tell us more. What do you know about her?" Steven quickly asked.

"You already know the truth young man." The old witch evenly said.

"I knew the truth, but she doesn't. I want to convince her." Steven said.

"You didn't answer." Lyna turned to face the witch and said. Her voice was soothing and powerful enough that Steven noticed her.

"Answering what?" The old woman said.

"What's your purpose of being here at this night? Lyna asked.

"I'm bewitching your friend." The old woman said.

Dark magic which the witch talked about is a dangerous curse of demons on earth. It is, as the name suggests, a magical spell with the power to kill another person. These are black magic death spells since they may cause significant injury to the victim and eventually result in death. At that day no one dared to enter in the house when Sonia killed her parents and her brother, but this witch came at night and took their blood and used it for black magic. Spells are the most effective way to wreak spiritual and physical revenge on all of your foes, and a lot of wizards further witches used it to hurt and kill the others, but this witch used it on Sonia with a different way. Even if Sonia committed a crime and murdered her parents, a horrible feeling would make her stop, but the witch took advantage of the opportunity to control Sonia and turn her into a very good murderer. Whenever Sonia's good sought to help her, the black magic would cast her back into darkness. The death spell does exactly what it promised. Nobody can use or revenge spell unless they are a really skilled spell caster. A strong archer, by the way, can destroy spells that use dark energies. The victim of black magic, on the other hand, is nearly guaranteed to die unless they seek medical attention right away, which prove this witch is a very strong one.

After explaining to them what she did to Sonia. Lyna couldn't control herself and attacked the witch. Suddenly the witch used a spell and Lyna fainted.

"What did you do to her?" Steven shouted.

"Don't be scared she will wake up soon, but you listen to me. It's true I bewitched her friend and controlled her, but." The old witch doubting and said.

"She's out of my control, and I attempted to stop her tonight but couldn't. Sonia is a tough lady who can demolish everything, including my evil magic. It's the first time I've lost control over someone." The old woman sorrowfully and gloomily said.

"It means we are in a grave danger" Steven unhappily said.

"You are young man, and you should stay vigilant, because that girl will attempt to kill you." The old woman said confidently.

"Kill me. How? And why?" Steven stunned and said.

"She already knows that you have the truth. She will not let you alive and live in peace. Protect your beautiful girl and save her from that narcissist woman." The old woman kindly said in sorrow.

"Why you want to help me? You supposed to be the main cause of problems." Steven shouted.

"Yes, I'm meant to be the witch here, and witches never aid people for good, but you changed my mind today when I realized how powerful your love is, and how pure and white it was." The old woman said with sorrows.

"It appears that you have come to regret your previous actions and are feeling guilty. It's another opportunity for you to assist me." Steven inquired.

"What exactly do you want me to do, young man?" The old witch inquired gently.

"Could you perhaps tell me how to stop Sonia?" Steven inquired.

"It's impossible to foretell her actions or see her future. Her personality is very agitated, and no one will change her, but I believe I know what to do." The old woman slowly and wisely said.

"Please tell me." Steven asked and had been affected by what she said.

There is no disputing that evil exists in the world, but light will always triumph over darkness. By asking the appropriate questions, we be awaken. We become aware when we witness knowledge being disseminated that contradicts our own personal experiences. The truth will always persist maybe it will be lost for some time but in the end it will reappear.

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