Sun of blood

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It is not love that is blind; it is the disregarded eye that cannot see people's actual characteristics.

When James was shocked about what Lyna and Steven said about Sonia he strodly went to his home. He was very angry, and his mom noticed how angry he was.

"What happened with you James? You look so vexed honey." James mom softly said.

"Nothing mom!" James replied and still looks annoyed from something.

"I know my son very well. Tell me why you are so irritated like that?" James mom asked again.

James couldn't lie to his mother, who was already aware of his relationship with Sonia. He told her exactly what happened when he met Lyna and Steven. His mother couldn't disguise her suspicions about Sonia, but she couldn't declare they were telling the truth. When we grasp that each individual is a treasure trove of hidden and undiscovered traits, we must trust our hearts, and trust begets greater trust, despite the fact that anxieties will always produce more and more concerns. In the end, the mother concluded that Lyna and Steven were deceiving him in order to disrupt James and Sonia's relationship. Nonetheless, she had to protect her son's heart from phony love and evil. So she told him to send a letter for Sonia and explain for her all what happened with Lyna and Steven.

"It's a very good idea mom." James happily said.

"You must inform her." No one will stop you, my son, if you trust your love and your connection is stronger than gossip," the mother stated confidently.

"But what if it's true?" Their eyes did not deceive me. It was as though they were telling the truth." James is perplexed as to how to tell the difference between the truth and deception.

"As I warned you, anything might happen, my boy. A liar's genesis is evil. A liar's stated purpose is self-protection. Although there are several types of pain, a liar's objective is to inflict or alleviate agony to the recipient of the falsehood. People enjoy reading and writing about liars but dislike having actual touch with them. In a tale, liars make good villains, but not lovers, family, friends, or acquaintances. In actuality, decent people attempt to avoid them as much as possible. There is no trust and, as a result, no stability in a relationship with a liar." The mother wisely told him and fears in her voice. She could hear her inner voice that Sonia is a bad person, but the love that James showed toward Sonia made even his mom blind. After that James sent a letter to Sonia explaining the last events and mentioned how much he loved and still loving her. Living in the cage of love far away from the truth and believing lies that blind your eyes and close your mind and linking your soul. The narcissist lady will tell you she is constantly busy, and she will always find reasons for her terrible behavior. The message was delivered like a black crow to the island where Sonia is currently located. Fears, love, darkness, and heartbreak all came together to become a crow. Like a devil that will spread his darkness or take the fire to everywhere, and the devil has not gone just because people refuse to believe in his existence.

In the other side Lyna and Steven finally arrived to the town. Getting their house and Lyna had nausea and sickness.

"You were very well now. What happened to you suddenly?" Steven is wondering and asked.

"I don't know but I think I have queasiness, and it was unexpectedly." Lyna still feeling bad , and said.

"Let's take some rest, maybe it's caused by our long trip." Steven questioned.

Lyna went to the bathroom. Pregnancy test in her hand, and when she used it, the test resulted with a positive result. Lyna couldn't stop herself from yelling since she was so happy. As you might expect, pregnancy may be a joyous occasion. Whether or not this is true for you is determined by variables other than the pregnancy itself. Life is always in progress, and Lyna will soon be a mother, and Steven was overjoyed to be a father, too, with the lady he had always adored. But fate may bring us both happiness and pain. This is the destiny, a secret power thought to govern future occurrences. Lyna and Steven had no idea they were in great danger, and Steven had forgotten what the old witch had warned him about Sonia. He was preoccupied with his new life. They completely forgot about Sonia and Dani. Their entire focus right now is on the babe who will soon join their lives. Lyna had decided to ignore what had happened before and everything of Sonia's background, neither she nor Steven. It's true that each day is born with a sunrise, but no one knows which sun it is, maybe it's the red sun of blood and death and maybe it's the black one of darkness and devil, or maybe it's the shining beautiful sun of the good destiny. In the end our destiny will come to us.

The huge error that Lyna and Steven made was forgetting about Sonia and Dani, since the narcissist will show up again here. After she received the letter from James, who had mailed it to her two days before. She arrived in a panicked state. She believed Steven was endangering her tranquility, so she resolved to murder him, however, murdering him would take time, and she must devise a precise strategy. She wouldn't take another chance and enter the jail because the police are still hunting for her in town, and she won't be able to escape easily again. When an opponent is defined as something that harms or weakens someone else. Sonia is a sworn opponent of both life and happiness. Her gloom will spread over the entire planet, and sunshine will never rise if darkness remains, which is why someone must light the candle.

Love Of Darkness Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora