A Trio Goes To Hogwarts

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Welcome to the spin-off of Saved by Love!

I highly recommend you read that one first because this will make little sense if you don't, since I have *a lot* of original characters.

Now, in this we start in 2009, so let's review the ages:

Christopher Snape is 22 (*gasp* I know, right? When did THAT happen?), 

Sophie Snape is 14, 

Stephen Snape, Lily-Rose Snape and Lynne Weasley-Snape are 11, 

Sirius Potter, Teddy Lupin and Gianah Weasley are 10, 

Nikolai Granger-Snape is 7, 

Scorpius and Lyra Malfoy and Luminara Granger-Snape will be 5 (in December 2009),

I can't believe I'm finally posting this, and I have to say I'm open to ideas – if you want to see these characters doing something just send me a message and (maybe) I'll write it!

I have the ending all written out, but some middle parts are (currently) missing. This will be around 14 chapters long. Hope you enjoy! 



August 30th, 2009

It was a perfect summer afternoon, and six preteens enjoyed a day at the pool in the backyard of the Snapes' family home.

"Are you done packing, Lily?" asked Lynne Weasley-Snape, a beautiful green-eyed redheaded girl.

"Yes, Lynne. Finished this morning," replied Lily-Rose Snape, her dark hair tied up in a high ponytail, her purple eyes being protected by sunglasses, "I can't believe it's finally happening: we'll spend months away from home!"

"Oh, please," scoffed Stephen, Lily's twin brother, from inside the pool, shaking his ear-length dark hair which was still dripping from his last dive, "It's not like we're going somewhere new, sis. We've been going to Hogwarts all whole lives. And half our family will be there – a dad's the Headmaster, mum's one of the Mediwitches and the Head of Slytherin House, Nicholas assists the Charms and Transfiguration teachers, and James teaches Potions; also, Sophie is starting her fourth year."

"Still," said Lily, not letting her brother curb her excitement, "We'll be living there, not just visiting. We'll share rooms with strangers and learn to manage our own schedules!"

"Hm," Sirius Potter made a noncommittal noise, trying to hide his distress, "But we," he shared a glance with Edward Teddy Lupin, "won't be able to see you three for four months," his green eyes were fixed on Lily.

"A blessing really," murmured Gianah Black Weasley, a red-headed girl with light-blue eyes, who was lying down on a sunlounger.

"What was that, Weasley?" asked Stephen, looking at her through narrowed eyes.

"I said: it's a blessing, Snape!" she repeated loud enough for him to hear, but kept her eyes closed, not even bothering to look at him, "I'm glad I won't have to see your face for four glorious months!"

Stephen clenched his jaw, as he usually did whenever more than two words were exchanged between him and her.

"Is that so?" he scowled, folding his arms on the edge of the pool and looking at her with a challenge in his green eyes, "Or are you just jealous you're not going to Hogwarts this year?"

Gianah shook her head and scoffed, unaffected by his words, "As if. I'm too busy picturing my days without you around to be jealous of something I know I'll certainly have next year, Snape. And I'm certain we won't even have to share a common room then," she finished with a smirk.

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