New Year's Revelations

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A week later

New Year's

Malfoy Residence

Inside a room on the second floor, Gianah knew the moment Stephen arrived at her brother's house; she had no idea how she knew, but she had always been able to tell whenever he was around – it was her Stephen-sense, and it had only got more sensitive as the years went by.

She looked once more at her reflection in the mirror above the vanity in the room she called her own in her brother's house and sighed. She looked good, if a little uncomfortable with the way her body had started to change after she turned twelve, her dresses looked less childish on her now; she recalled her mother's sigh of relief when she mentioned it to her.

"I know, isn't it marvellous?" had exclaimed Narcissa, "I'm so happy for you! You won't be a flat-chested bumless teenager like I was! I used to be so jealous of your grandmother then. Molly was this gorgeous curvy young woman – and you've clearly inherited that gene – thank Circe!"

Gianah smiled at her reflection, liking what she saw; her hair was perfectly wavy, her nose and cheeks lightly freckled, her eyes a beautiful sky-blue, and her body more feminine.

Still, she thought, her smile dying out, I can't stop wondering what he thinks...

She grimaced inwardly, hating that her immediate thought was always 'what would he think?' whenever she noticed those changes on her body; Stephen's opinion shouldn't matter, but still, she wanted to know what he thought of those changes...

She let out a sigh, resigned that she'd never know, for she'd neither ask him about it nor ask Lily if he'd ever mentioned anything.

Most likely Stephen doesn't pay that kind of attention to me.

Gianah scowled at her reflection, hating how he wasn't even near her but being in the vicinity was enough to have her raving.



Sophie walked into the Malfoys' house, searching for her sister, not noticing that her father held Stephen's arm before he set foot inside Draco and Elizabeth's home.

"Behave or no Quidditch trials," said Severus.

"I know, dad," Stephen nodded, "I won't even look at Weasley."

"You can look, love," said Florence, stopping in front of him to fix his ear-length hair, "Just be polite. I know you're a smart young man, you're not a kid anymore, you can go one evening without arguing with Gianah."

Lily snorted, "You're delusional, mum."

Stephen briefly glared his twin, but his eyes filled with mischief the next second and he said: "You know, sis, when we have secrets, we don't go around mocking those who are privy to them."

That caught Severus' attention, his dark eyes moving from his son to his daughter and then to his wife.

And it was Florence's turn to glare at Stephen, "You know, son, little shits who go around spilling their sister's secrets don't get to play in the Quidditch team."

Stephen's smile immediately turned into a worried thin line, and he just nodded, "Got it, mum. Sorry, Lily."

"What are you talking about?" asked Severus, frowning.

"You don't want to hear about it," said Florence, making him realise it was about their daughter's love life.

"Nope, I definitely don't," and he walked into the house with his son.

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