Sophie's Problems

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Greenhouse #3

Fifth-years' first Herbology class

Neville walked up and down the greenhouse, finishing organising several medium-sized pots on the long table, telling himself he had no reason for nervousness; his next students were just like any other students he had taught in the first two days of classes he had already given.

There was nothing special about the fifth years Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs, just another class.

He looked at the table, there were enough pots, gloves and tools for all students, everything was as ready as they could be – but Neville knew he couldn't stop moving, he needed to keep his mind busy, otherwise he'd start thinking about the one particular student that was about to enter his Greenhouse.

Sophie Snape.

No! Don't think of her! He admonished himself. She's just another student. Don't even look her way!

He could hear the students approaching and moved the pots around the table once more, noticing that some had already begun sprouting dark pink flowers – a good sign of their healthiness.

As expected, in minutes, the fifth years Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs had all arrived, and Neville put on his most professional smile to address the class: "Good morning, students, gather around here, please," he pointed to the pots and tools on the table in front of him, "Welcome to Greenhouse Number Three, fifth years. As you probably already know, I'm Professor Neville Longbottom."

He looked at the nodding students, his eyes stopping for a moment on the brown-haired, green-eyed Ravenclaw he had dreaded seeing – with reason, for once again he felt the need to stare at her, to get close to her.

"I- I'm a Herbologist," Neville continued, clearing his throat, "And I have spent the last six years travelling the world studying plants with the best teachers I could find; from renowned healers to doctors and shamans."

"Even muggles?" asked a Hufflepuff girl, recognising the muggle word used to refer to healers.

Neville nodded, "Yes, of course. Muggles know a lot about the healing properties of plants, they have been using it as medication for over three millennia. The bark of the White Willow tree, for example, has been used as a traditional pain-reliever for more than 3500 years. Unknown to the ancient Sumerians and Egyptians who made use of it, the active agent within willow bark is salicin, which is a chemical similar to aspirin – a very common medicine in muggle households."

More than half of the students seemed impressed, all the muggleborns and half-bloods recognising the name of the medication.

"Also," continued Neville, "Many muggle cultures have discovered that herbs can have recreational uses."

As predicted, the teenagers were suddenly very interested in the recreative properties of plants.

"What kind of recreation are we talking about, professor?" asked a Ravenclaw boy.

"Well, Mr Briggs, I'll leave that for a future class; since recreational plants won't be required knowledge for your O.W.L.s, you'll only have more details if you pay attention during non-recreational classes," Neville said, hearing the expected disappointed 'aws'.

"Today," he went on, "the little plant I present you will for sure be asked during your O.W.L.s," he pointed to the pots on the worktable, "This is the Burning Bush, also known as-"

"Dittany!" said Sophie.

Neville raised his head to acknowledge her – for ignoring her could raise suspicion.

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