Messes and Picnics

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The next day, in Hogsmeade, Lynne and Lily walked into the Three Broomsticks and ordered some hot butterbeers to stave off the cold that seemed to have seeped under their clothes and numbed their skin.

As they sat at a table and wrapped their hands around their hot mugs, Lynne demanded: "Spill it, auntie!"

"W-what?" Lily stammered, nearly choking on her butterbeer, her cheeks turning red fast.

Lynne gave her a knowing smile, "I know exactly who you're thinking of when you get that stupid look on your face, however–"

"Look? What look?" Lily played dumb.

"That dreamy one," Lynne pointed at her face, "However, today it's more stupid than usual. You don't even seem to know where we are, you're stuck on some sweet memory. So: spill it! What happened?"

Lily blushed redder, taking another sip of her butterbeer before biting her bottom lip and finally telling her in an excited whisper: "We kissed!"

"You... kissed?" drawled Lynne, looking surprised, "You and who? Which one?"

"Both," Lily whispered with a smile.

"Both?" Lynne eyebrows went up in her forehead.

"Yes. We are dating. Boyfriend, boyfriend and girlfriend."

"You and...?" Lynne needed her to confirm.

"Both! Yes," repeated Lily, chuckling, "The three of us, we are together. All three of us."

"Wow," Lynne sipped her butterbeer, "So you're with them and they are with you as well as with each other?"


Lynne tilted her had to the side, "Soo right now they could be snogging back at the castle and you're here..."

"Well, yes. And I have no problem with them kissing without me," she tilted her head, a thought coming forward in her mind: "I hope they do it in front of me though."

"Ugh– gross," Lynne grimaced, "The only thing worse than one boy is two boys. And one of them is my bloody cousin," she shivered in disgust and sipped her warm drink, taking time absorbing that information, "Wow... that's something we've all thought would happen someday, but still... wow! I honestly thought Sirius would never have the guts to admit he likes both you and Teddy," Lynne touched Lily's hand on the table, "This is amazing, auntie, I am so happy for you!"

Lily nodded, a sweet smile on her lips, "I honestly woke up this morning thinking that it had all been a dream, but it wasn't. They were both waiting for me in the common room and we went to an empty classroom instead of breakfast and kissed again, and again..." she sighed, clearly drunk in the memory of being with the two boys like that.

"Aww, that's so sweet – nauseatingly so," said Lynne with a playful grimace.

"Stop it," said Lily in a playful tone, sipping her warm butterbeer.

Then the front door of the Three Broomsticks chimed open and a very familiar face walked in, hand-in-hand with a tall, blue-eyed, brunette.

"Ugh, talking about nauseating," groaned Lynne, watching Stephen walk with his date to an empty table on the opposite corner, "I know he's your twin, auntie, but he's an idiot."

"I know, no offence taken," Lily glanced at the couple and shook her head, "Thankgoodness Gigi couldn't come, I bet he'd come here just to annoy her."

"I think she fancies him..." added Lynne softly, suddenly looking sad.

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