The First School Break

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Right after the Sorting Ceremony, at the High table

"Slytherin," whispered Florence, "I can't believe it."

"Neither can I," replied Severus, looking at his son at the Slytherin table.

"How come you're not happy?" asked James, "One would think you'd want all of us to be Slytherins; House pride and all of that. I know Hermione wouldn't be happy if Nick ended up a snake."

But neither parent had listened his question, they looked concerned.

"Maybe raising him in a Slytherin household turned him Slytherin?" wondered Severus.

"Yes, it's a possibility," Florence nodded, still worried, "We'll have to wait and see..."


Fortunately, the first four months of Stephen in Slytherin went by uneventfully; he seemed to fit in perfectly with his fellow House mates and the teachers had no complaints about him at all.

His stellar behaviour convinced both Florence and Severus that nothing wrong had happened; they agreed that the way they had raised their son had perhaps turned his Gryffindor soul into a Slytherin one.


Christmas Break

December 2009

Snapes' family house

Florence was in the living room with her daughter Sophie, finishing organising the things for that night's dinner party they were hosting, when the floo network was activated and a blond woman walked out of the green flames, looking a bit worried.

"Hi, Cissy," Florence greeted her with a smile and a hug.

"Hello, Flor," Narcissa smiled and turned to the teenager beside her, "Sophie, my sweetie, are you sure your father had anything to do with your conception? As each year goes by, I'm more convinced your mother just cloned herself."

The girl laughed, hugging the woman she had befriended under dire circumstances more than ten years ago, "Well, if she did, I don't see the problem, Aunt Cissy. And where are Gigi and Uncle Charlie?"

"They'll be here in a few minutes; Gianah was finishing getting ready," Narcissa glanced at the stairs, frowning and looking at Florence, "Is Stephen home?"

"Yes," Florence replied with a sigh, understanding why her friend had arrived before the others. "Don't worry, I've taken his and Lily's wands away. I've talked to him about tonight; he's absolutely forbidden to talk to Gianah. If he does anything to her, he won't be allowed to play Quidditch next year."

"Good," Narcissa nodded, "It's been four months since they last saw each other, things could get out of control..."

"Ain't that an understatement!" Sophie snorted, "Steph can't be civil for a minute around Gigi. I doubt he'll last a whole dinner without saying anything to her."

Florence exhaled, "Well, your brother is well-aware of the consequences tonight."

"No Quidditch next year is probably enough to keep him under control, mum," nodded Sophie.

"Let's hope so," Narcissa said, "As you two know, Charlie and I were truly considering not sending Gianah to Hogwarts come September; she even visited Beauxbatons last week and found it beautiful but..." she shook her head.

"She wants to go to Hogwarts," Florence finished, nodding, "because her friends are there."

"Yes. And we all know that'll mean trouble. Steph is in Slytherin, Gigi will be sorted there too... they will share a common room, share a table at meals; it'll be impossible for them to not bump into each other between classes or at the weekends-"

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