Chaos & Sweetness

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The next morning

The four Gryffindors, Lynne Lily, Teddy and Sirius sat at their table, eating breakfast in uncharacteristic silence; the two girls glanced at the entrance of the Great Hall every few minutes with apprehension.

"Do you think Stephen will be upset about me playing Quidditch?" asked Sirius, oblivious to the girls' behaviour.

"Yes," replied both Lily and Lynne in unison.

"But you shouldn't let my brother's opinion stop you from trying to join the Gryffindor team, Siri," added Lily.

"Yeah," nodded Teddy, "You're a brilliant seeker, Gryffindor needs you."

"I just don't want him to be mad at me," said Sirius, "I-"

"Listen, cousin," exhaled Lynne, annoyed by his need for Stephen's approval, "If Stephen stops talking to you because you joined the Quidditch team, so be it!"

"Maybe we should tell Gigi to join the Slytherin team," commented Lily, making her friends laugh.

"Now that would make Stephen spit more fire than an angry Horntail!" laughed Teddy.

Lily nodded at him, but her smile slowly died on her face, concern taking its place.

"Do you think the gossip is true?" she suddenly asked, looking at her niece with clear concern.

"Maybe– I did see her talking to him yesterday," Lynne replied.

"What are you two talking about?" asked Sirius, after having exchanged a confused look with Teddy.

"You two know that large portrait in the common room?" said Lily in an exhale, "The one with the horses where a knight sometimes shows up?"

Sirius seemed even more confused, "Yes... Sir Cadogan. What about him?"

"Well," Lily continued, "He was there this morning and asked me to pass his congratulations to my brother for getting himself such a fair lady last night."

Sirius sputtered: "W-what?" coughing as he nearly choked on his coffee.

"You're joking," said Teddy, a bit unsure.

"Nope, not a joke," Lily shook her head, adding in a lower voice: "Cadogan said the portraits talk of nothing but how Stephen and some girl were snogging by the Slytherin entrance last night!"

"By the Slytherin entrance?" asked Sirius, even more surprised.

"Do you think," started Teddy, glancing at the Slytherin table, "He and she finally–"

"Gigi? No," Lily shook her head, "Sir Cadogan said the girl had hair the colour of wheat."

"It was probably Brittany Bailey, a fourth-year," added Lynne, "I saw her sitting beside Stephen at dinner last night."

"No way!" exclaimed Sirius, incredulous, "A fourth year? And Bailey? She's hot!" he seemed very impressed.

Lily's eyes narrowed at him, clearly unhappy by his observation about the girl's beauty.

"Well," Lily added in a clipped voice, "That's what the knight in the painting said."

"Tiana said no one in the Slytherin House speaks of anything but the way Stephen snogged a girl behind the gargoyle."

"Tiana? When did you talk to Tiana?" asked Sirius, looking at the Slytherin table and not seeing the dark-haired girl.

Lynne seemed a bit uncomfortable as she admitted: "She sent me a message through one of the house elves."

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