Another Trio Goes to Hogwarts

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September 1st 2010


Welcoming feast

Sitting at the Slytherin table, Stephen Snape anxiously watched as the double doors of the Great Hall were opened, and the first years walked into the room.

"Why is your brother leading the Sorting Ceremony?" asked Charles Abbott, a friend of Stephen's.

"Father said McGonagall didn't want to deal with the first years, so my brother offered to do it," Stephen replied, but didn't turn to face his friend, his eyes fixed on the newcomers, finding the three of them that he recognised: Gianah Weasley, Teddy Lupin and Sirius Potter. He focused on the ginger girl, watching her as she walked towards the Sorting Hat with the others.

Even though the Great Hall was full of students, Gianah seemed to sense he was staring at her and was able to find him within seconds, shooting a glare right at him.

"Who's that ginger? Is that-" asked Charles.

"Gianah Weasley," Stephen muttered, his eyes still on her; the group of first years had stopped in front of the high table.

She has to be a Slytherin. Stephen thought, looking intently at the Sorting Hat, as if the thing could hear him across the Hall, Please, put her in Slytherin.

The Sorting Hat didn't give him any sign of having heard his plea – obviously.

"Draco Malfoy's half-sister?" asked Sam O'Brien, another of Stephen's friends.

"The Minister of Magic's daughter?" asked Charles.

"Yes and yes," Stephen turned to face them, "Why?"

"She's pretty, and filthy rich," said Sam.

"So?" Stephen snarled.

Both Charles and Sam looked at him with surprise, not having expected his sudden anger.

"Nothing, mate," Sam said raising his hands in a sign of peace, "I'm just pointing out that she's basically Wizarding royalty."

"What?" Stephen scoffed, "Why would you say that?"

"She's directly connected to three Sacred Twenty-Eight families," explained Charles, "Black and Weasley by blood, Malfoy by relations."

"Make it four," Stephen added, keeping his eyes on the first years, seeing that Nicholas had tapped the Hat with his wand, starting the Ceremony, "My mother is her godmother, and she's a Gaunt by blood."

"See?" nodded Sam, as if he had just confirmed his point: "Wizarding royalty."

Stephen shrugged, grimacing as the Sorting Hat began singing his ever-changing yearly song – that year being about the importance of being true to oneself and to others.

"As if it knows what that means," Stephen rolled his eyes, "Since when do Hats have friends?"

"Exactly," agreed Charles.

Once the song was blessedly over, Nicholas started calling the students' names.

"Your celebrity friends are finally here," said Charles in a teasing tone.

"Don't call them that," said Stephen.

"Where do you take they'll end up?"

"Gryffindor, both of them."

"And the princess?"

Stephen shot his friend a glare, knowing he meant Gianah, "Slytherin."

"Nice," said Sam, smiling.

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