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Note: Short and fun chapter featuring my favourite couple, Florence and Severus. More trouble to come on the next one!


November 2010

A week after the kids' fight

Severus sat in his office at Hogwarts, enjoying a rare moment of peace with some tea and that day's Daily Prophet when someone knocked on his door.

"Come in," he drawled, removing his reading glasses and lowering his newspaper, hoping it wasn't McGonagall there to tell him his children had got themselves into yet another trouble.

The door opened and he was taken aback by who walked into his office.

"Prof. Trelawney?"

The odd, bespectacled Divination teacher was the last person he ever expected – or wanted – to see going there to talk to him.

He'd rather it were his troublesome kids and their friends.

"Excuse me, Headmaster," Trelawney said as she moved towards his desk, fidgeting with her hands, "Could I have a minute with you and Madam Snape?"

Severus blinked, nodding slowly, as apprehension started to grow in his mind. What if she had gone there to tell them about a new Prophecy?


"Take a seat, professor, I'll call her," he said, motioning towards a chair in front of his desk.

Florence! He called through their bond, a little too harshly.

What? What happened? Came her immediate reply.

I need you to come to my office. Now.

In two seconds, Florence apparated in front of him.

"What happened? You scared me. Are you alright?" she walked towards him but stopped suddenly by his desk as she saw he wasn't alone, her worry growing as she took note of who was the woman sitting on the chair across from him, "Prof. Trelawney-" her eyes darted at Severus, "Is everything alright?" a hint of fear in her voice.

Why is she here? She asked Severus.

No idea.

"Yes, everything is alright, my dear," Trelawney tilted her head, confused by the apprehension she could see in their eyes, "Why are your auras suddenly so troubled?"

Florence stood beside her husband's chair and gave the teacher a small smile, replying honestly: "Forgive our discomfort, Prof. Trelawney, but... the last time both of us heard you speak on close quarters was the night you prophesied about Harry and my father."

Trelawney gaped and let out a soft: "Oh. I see."

"Yes," nodded Severus, still a bit wary, "So, you asked for Florence's presence, she's here; what can we do for you?"

"Well, definitely nothing as worrying as the last time," Trelawney reassured them with a small chuckle, "I'd just like to talk to you about your twins."

Florence looked at Severus, Do you think she knows about their souls?

He nodded, Maybe. As much nonsense as I believe Divination to be, we both know first-hand she's not a fraud.

"That's so interesting," they suddenly heard her say in a fascinated voice, "Your connection..." she raised both hands and closed her eyes, as if feeling something only she could feel coming from them, "Absolutely spellbinding."

Teen Drama or "Are we sure there are no more Horcruxes, wife?"Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora