Reality Check

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 The next day

Gianah walked towards the Library, needing to finish her Charms homework before the Slytherin team returned from practice – she hated when they went to the library and their fans followed. And by ' fans' she meant the hordes of giggling girls (and boys) that followed the Quidditch players as if they were the best thing to have ever graced the wizarding world.

She scoffed inwardly, reaching the first floor and raising her arm to push the Library door open, but her hand never touched the wood for she was suddenly pulled into an empty classroom across the hallway by someone she immediately recognised.

"What in the bloody hell do you think you're doing?!" she shouted once Stephen let go of her, pushing him out of anger as he closed the door.

He faced her, looking uncharacteristically serious, "I need to talk to-"

"See if I care," she interrupted him, trying to walk around him to reach the door, but he didn't let her pass.

He exhaled: "Just listen to me, Gianah. Please."

She took a step back, surprised by the strange tone of his voice, eyeing him with wariness.

"Fine," she conceded, letting her schoolbag fall onto the floor and crossing her arms over her chest, "What do you want, Snape?"

He raised a hand to his hair, touching the back of his head as he sometimes did when nervous; she wondered if he knew how much she enjoyed seeing him touching his own hair, and how much she yearned to touch the soft tresses herself.

"I, well," he began, quickly trying to come up with something to say that would make her less angry with him, "I want to let you know I wasn't mocking you the other day."

She slowly let her arms fall to her sides, going from angry to mildly confused, "O-kay," she drawled, tilting her head to the side, "Is that all? You pulled me here to tell me that? You could've said that in the hallway, Snape, I have homework to finish, I have to use all the time I have in the library before the team–" she paused, "Wait a minute," she whispered as she slowly realised something: "What are you doing here? You should be at practice! Slytherin is in the finals, you–"

"Knowing a lot about my schedule, aren't you, Weasley?" he couldn't stop himself from lightly teasing her, immediately regretting the small provocation as she scowled.

Fuck . That was not a good way to start that conversation.

She crossed her arms again, her lips pressed in a thin line, "Get out of my face, Snape," she ordered, picking up her schoolbag.

"Listen, I'll go to practice in a minute," he kept his voice low and calm, trying to placate her, "I decided to come find you before practice because I think we should talk."

"And what on Earth ," she said, her frown deepening, "do you think we have to talk about?"

"This," he motioned between them, "Us."

"There's no us , Snape," she scoffed, looking at him as if he was insane, "We're barely even friends!"

"I know!" he let out in a harsh exhale, "And I hate it!"

She gaped at his outburst, completely baffled by his words.

"What–" she stammered.

"We have to stop this, Gianah," he continued, deciding transparency was better than any lame excuse for a conversation he could come up with, "We have to talk about this !"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2023 ⏰

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