His First Kiss

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Note: I don't usually do disclaimers, BUT I'm going to leave one here so that no one decides to complain later: this story (as implied by its title) is a teen romance story THEREFORE we'll see teenagers kissing and talking about sex (even doing it in a few years in the future).


September 1st 2011

Hogwarts Great Hall

Slytherin table

Gianah had been one of the first students to arrive, sitting at the mostly empty Slytherin table in the Great Hall, excited about being back at the castle for her second year, and daring a glimpse at a group of boys that sat a few meters away from her.

Stephen was there already, having flooed from home with his parents and sisters.

Sophie currently sat at the Ravenclaw table with her eyes on a book, a plate of small sandwiches in front of her with a glass of orange juice – dinner hadn't started yet, but Gianah had realised months ago that the rules weren't the same for Sophie Snape as they were for the rest of the students.

Lily-Rose sat at the Gryffindor table between her two future boyfriends – and if Sirius and Teddy sat an inch closer to her, she'd be sitting on both their laps.

Gianah smiled at their cuteness, the way those two loved her friend was heart-warming.

She shot another glance at the group of boys down the Slytherin table and felt her smile die as her eyes met the green ones of her nemesis.

"All alone?" Stephen mouthed, finishing in an exaggerated pout, clearly mocking her.

Gianah glared at him and cast a silent stinging hex under the table towards his knee.

He jumped a bit when it hit him and returned her glare, his hand going under the table to touch his hurting knee.

She knew he was certainly going to retaliate later, but she couldn't care less – whatever he had in mind, she could do it worse in return.

The loud sounds of voices and footsteps suddenly coming through the double doors let Gianah know that Tiana Nott was about to show up alongside the others that had come by train.

The train. She mentally scoffed.

That was something Gianah had rode once and refused to do so again. She saw no point in riding a train for six hours when they could just floo and apparate.

Yes, she was aware of the huge magical disturbance if all students did either of those things at the same time, but still... millennia of studies and the best they had come up with was a six-hour long steam-train ride?

Gianah refused to be a part of that, she had flooed to her brother's place in Hogsmeade that morning, had lunch with him and his family, and ridden a thestral carriage to the castle.

"Gigi!" exclaimed Tiana Nott, walking towards the Slytherin table, shooting glances at the Gryffindor's and not seeing who she expected to see.

"Hi, Ti!" Gianah replied, hugging her friend when the girl sat beside her, "She hasn't arrived yet," she offered, "Lily said Lynne will floo from her house."

"Oh," Tiana whispered, failing to hide her disappointment, "How did you arrive?"

"By carriage. I refuse to ride a train for six hours when I can just ride a carriage for fifteen minutes."

"I like the train," Tiana shrugged, "It's fun!"

"We have very different understandings of the word fun. Now, tell me, what were you up to the past three weeks?"

Teen Drama or "Are we sure there are no more Horcruxes, wife?"Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant