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August 31st 2010


Headmaster's Office

Severus Snape glanced at his beautiful wife sitting across from him, helping him with the usual paperwork that had to be carefully filled out and reviewed every beginning of term.

As usual, the Ministry of Magic had sent them a list of names, and it was essential that they made sure no magical kids were out of school and no muggleborn witch or wizard had been left behind.

However, as they worked that day, Severus could tell something was worrying Florence; her green eyes darted to the tall bookcase from time to time, staring at the brown and battered Sorting Hat that sat on top of a couple of books – whatever was on her mind, it was sure to have something to do with their son's sorting.

"What is it, love?" he asked in a soft tone, "You're thinking so loud it's making it impossible for me to concentrate."

"Sorry, Sev, it's just... I still wonder sometimes... about Stephen being in Slytherin."

"Yes," he admitted, looking at the Hat, "I do too. But he is fine. He has made new friends, didn't have any problems-"

"Despite his wand-malfunctioning in Charms," she reminded him.

He sighed, "We've agreed that was an isolated episode, Florence."

"I know. Let's hope that's what it was," she finished with a sigh of her own, working on a couple more papers, "Gianah is arriving tomorrow."

"I know."

"And Stephen's been unusually quiet this past week," she added, "I fear he's planning something."

"He sure is," he replied with a smirk.

Florence huffed, "This isn't funny, Severus!"

"Well, I happen to find the fact that we turned James Potter's little lion soul into a snake one very amusing, wife."

She just glared at him, "Considering we have all four Houses in our family, this childish rivalry should've stopped already."

"Never, Florence," Severus resumed working on the papers in front of him but frowned, his head snapping up at her, "Wait a minute- all four Houses?"

"Yes," she replied, still upset with his reaction, "Nick had a talk with the Sorting Hat yesterday."

"And?" Severus drawled, already imagining where the Hat had put his second-born son.

"He is a Hufflepuff-"

"Fuck," he let out before he could stop himself.

"Severus!" Florence admonished him.

"Fine!" he conceded, "It does make sense; to grow up as James's twin brother he had to have the patience of a badger. Slytherins and Hufflepuffs do make the best of friends."

Florence nodded, "Nick said the Hat considered both Gryffindor and Hufflepuff, and he asked to be a badger."

"Interesting," Severus said, quickly returning to his papers, dreading where Florence would go from there – they'd been looking for a new Head of House for Hufflepuff since Sprout mentioned she'd like to retire – which meant they'd need a new Herbologist as well and the one she wanted to hire was-

"Shall I write to Neville, then?" Florence, predictably, asked, "Sprout has been wanting to retire for two years. Longbottom can take over her classes and Nick can be Head of Hufflepuff."

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