The Shack

41 2 5

October 2010

Hogwarts Library

The girls, Lily and Lynne, taught Sirius, Teddy and Gianah how to easily find the books they needed in the vast school library without having to ask for the old librarian's help, and then they all gathered at their favourite table.

"Madame Pince was already here when our parents were students," whispered Lily, receiving surprised eyes all around the table, "Can you believe that?"

"She must be what-" whispered Sirius in reply, "Ninety? Hundred and ten?" making their friends laugh.

"At least eighty," said Gianah with mirth; but her smile abruptly died when she looked up at the door of the library, turning into a scowl, "Oh, no."

"What is it?" asked Lily, looking up and the following her gaze, "Oh, shit."

"Here we go," whispered Lynne, narrowing her eyes at the familiar boy that had just walked into the library and was approaching their table.

"You!" Gianah exhaled sharply, pointing her quill at Lily, "You said he never comes here!" her blue eyes glaring at her friend accusingly.

"And he doesn't!" Lily replied with a hint of exasperation, "This is the first time I'm seeing him in the library– I swear, Gigi!"

"How could he possibly know we were here?" asked Lynne, knowingly looking at Teddy and Sirius.

"Well..." said the latter with a grimace, "I may have mentioned we'd be here this afternoon..."

"You bloody idiot!" Gianah hissed, shoving Sirius, nearly causing him to fall off his chair.


Stephen found his sister and their friends as soon as he entered the school library, his eyes meeting the scowling face of one of the redheaded girls.

He held Gianah's gaze as he walked towards them, smirking when she shoved Sirius – proof that she was already annoyed by his presence.

"Hello there," he greeted as he stopped by their table, "What're you all doing here?"

"What do you think people do in a library, Snape?" replied Gianah with contempt.

"Weasley!" Stephen pretended to be just noticing her, "I should've guessed you were here – the stench can be scented from the door," he wrinkled his nose.

But the girl didn't seem fazed by his attempted insult.

"You must really be a fan, Snape," Gianah said with a smirk, "To be recognising my perfume all the way from the door, I bet you even know its name and brand."

Noa, Cacharel. He thought before he could stop himself. Shit.

"As if," he scoffed, hoping he'd schooled his face fast enough.

But Gianah narrowed her eyes, her smirk slowly broadening into a smug smile, "Sure, Snape, sure; I'll pretend I didn't see you occluding as fast as a Vipertooth Dragon."

He narrowed his eyes at her, ready to utter a scathing reply, but his sister intervened:

"Hell, no!" Lily stood up, putting a hand on his shoulder, "Stop it, Stephen!" she darted a glance to the door, "Shit, I think I just saw Pince leaving, she may have gone fetch mum! Just say the fuck you came here to say and leave!"

"Yes, out with it," said Lynne in a bored tone, "I didn't even know you knew how to get to the library."

He glared at his niece, moving his eyes to Gianah until he stopped on Sirius, "I'm only here to confirm tonight's adventure."

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