A Bludger to the Heart

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March 2012

On a nice but chilly Saturday morning, Gianah crossed the castle grounds with Lily, Teddy, Lynne and Tiana towards the Quidditch pitch.

"So, out of earshot of the two players of the group," said Lynne, "Let's be honest here: who will win today? Slytherin or Gryffindor?"

"Gryffindor, of course," said Lily with a smug smile, hand-in-hand with one of her boyfriends, "We have a better team and Sirius is an amazing Seeker."

"But he will have to be very fast catching that snitch today," said Lynne with a hint of a warning.

"Yeah, the longer he takes, more goals Stephen will be able to score," nodded Teddy, "And he's wicked fast."

"Yeah, I wish he never had the idea of asking Uncle Draco for help," said Lily.

"That was actually my idea," said Gianah, having been quiet so far.

"What? Why would you help him?" asked Teddy, surprised.

"He's playing for Slytherin, and I'm a Slytherin," she said as if that was obvious, "As much as I dislike him, I want my House to win!"

"Yeah, I can understand that," Teddy nodded, "Your brother is a great Quidditch player."

"And Sirius has his dad to help him," continued Gianah, "Harry Potter was the youngest seeker this school has ever seen. And Draco says he was indeed a decent one – considering my brother is not one to give compliments that probably means he was probably great."

"True," nodded Lynne, "I've seen Uncle Harry play and he's a brilliant seeker."

"So it's only fair Ste– Snape has someone to help him too," she quickly corrected herself on her slip of his name.

Lynne and Lily silently exchanged a knowing glance, letting that talk go as they continued walking to the Quidditch pitch.


At the Quidditch pitch

Stephen flew around the pitch a few times, warming up his muscles, watching as the stands filled up with students dressed mainly in reds and greens.

Gianah was there; he could not only sense her, but he'd seen her too, sat beside Tiana Nott, two green and silver dots in the sea of Gryffindor red.

Ever since the library episode he had been slowly building the courage to talk to her, but he never found the right time or place to do it, finding that avoiding her was easier than full-on confrontation.

He wasn't a bloody Gryffindor; he couldn't just go to her and blurt out his feelings – the fear of rejection and consequent humiliation stopped him right at the first thought of doing such stupidity.

She hadn't tried to approach him either, not even to demand an explanation for his abnormal behaviour.

Therefore, Stephen didn't know where he stood with her and that situation.

He flew by the Gryffindor stands, unable to stop the feeling of smugness from blooming in his chest; Gianah had gone there to watch him play– well, he knew she hadn't gone there to watch just him but still–, he was prepared to give her a reason to keep her blue eyes on him for the duration of the match.


Gianah could barely sit still; the game had started twenty minutes ago and she, who had never cared much about Quidditch, couldn't take her eyes off the match; to say the game that day had her full attention was an understatement.

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