Are we sure?

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After the war lessons began, Stephen never again made fun of anything war-related.

And his respect for his parents, and for the other adults in his life, grew tenfold.

His issues with Gianah Weasley, though – those only seemed to deepen.


December 2010

Sophie walked through the Entrance Courtyard, coming from the Greenhouses, with a spring in her step. Prof. Longbottom had asked her to be his assistant!

She smiled at the snowy ground, knowing anyone who saw her would think she was mad. But she didn't care!

I'm going to spend all my evenings with him!

She twirled in the empty courtyard, reaching the big entrance doors and nearly running inside, a smile simply frozen in her face.

But before she walked up the Marble Staircase to go to her Common Room, she heard: "And what will you do during the match? It's not like you can play..."

"Sod off, Lily! I'll watch it and learn all I can about the other players, so next year when I'm in the team– "

There was derisive laughter.

"Oh, no," Sophie whispered, pondering if she should just continue walking upstairs and ignore that situation or go down to the dungeons and help diffuse that tickling bomb.

"So you believe next year you'll play?" Gianah said, certainly with a shrug, "Third time is the charm like they say."

"Shut up, Weasley!"

"I wouldn't count on being on the team next year, Stephen," added Lynne.

There were several voices at the same time, and Sophie couldn't make up what they were saying.

"You're a bloody prat!" shouted Tiana.

"That's enough, guys!" said Teddy.

"Acting like he's Magic's gift to wizardkind," scoffed Lynne.

"What are you going to do, Snape?" Gianah's taunting voice, "Attack me?" she laughed, "Do it! You'll never touch a quaffle as long as I'm in this castle!"

"I'll make you pay, Weasley!" Stephen shouted.


Then Sophie ran towards them, having a feeling that something bad was about to happen.

"The Slytherin team is lucky they don't have to put up with you, Snape!" continued Gianah.

"If I were allowed to play, I would be Captain of the team!" Stephen shouted.

"Jeez, bro," scoffed Lily, "I truly wonder how your neck is capable of keeping that inflated head of yours up."

Sophie reached the corridor and stopped at the scene in front of her: seven teens stood in the corridor; Teddy and Tiana were the only collected ones, clearly trying to calm their friends down, while Lynne, Gianah, Lily and Sirius pointed their wands at Stephen – whose wand was aimed at Gianah.

"What-" Sophie opened her mouth to ask what was going on there, but spells were cast, stopping her.

"Aculeus!" cast Gianah.

"Stupefy!" shouted Stephen.

But only the second spell hit someone – not their intended target though.

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