Christmas Blast

37 1 2

December 2010

Snapes' family home

"Three more days of peace and quiet," said Severus as he pulled a chair for Florence to sit at the breakfast table.

"Yes," she nodded, looking at the quiet and organised dining and living space, "On Friday, we'll have teenagers back, and messes and dramas," she smiled, her tone sweet as she thought of having the kids back home for the Holiday break.

"At least Stephen has stopped getting in trouble at the school," added Severus, sitting at the head of the table to her left, as usual.

"Yes," she sighed in relief, "Your war lessons are certainly giving him things to mull over; so much so that he's even stopped tormenting Gianah."

"For now."

"Let's hope it stays that way," she added, pulling him for a kiss.

The loud 'Whoosh' of the floo activating interrupted them, and they looked towards the fireplace.

"Molly!" exclaimed Florence, "Good morning."

"Good morning, dear," replied Molly Weasley walking towards them wrapped in her usual colourful knitted poncho, "I hope I'm not intruding."

"No, of course not," said Florence looking pointedly at her husband, stopping him from replying rudely, "We're just having breakfast. Care to join us?"

"Well, I wouldn't say no to Tiffany's lovely tea and biscuits," replied Molly, sitting across from Florence at the table, "I went to the school first and Poppy told me you two hadn't arrived yet, so I used the infirmary's floo to come here."

"No problem, Molly," Florence reassured her, "You're always welcome here. Your home is connected to ours through the network; if we didn't want you to visit, we'd block you out."

We might. Severus added in Florence's mind, receiving a harsh glance from her.

"Thank you, dear," Molly smiled, accepting the teacup Florence had poured for her, "Now, you two have enjoyed some extra time in bed this morning, I see," she commented with a lilt in her voice, winking at Florence, "You'll have to glamour that, dear, otherwise the teenagers will have a field day at your expense."

Florence seemed confused.

It seems, Severus drawled through their bond, I gave you a hickey, wife.

Florence gaped and touched her neck, exactly where an obvious red mark sat on her otherwise unblemished skin – she remembered Severus had bitten her as he fucked her from behind that morning.

"Oh," Florence nodded, blushing, "I'll glamour it. Thank you for the warning, Molly."

"Don't mention it, Flor," Molly dismissed with a wave of her hand, "Well, I haven't come here to point out hickeys and take advantage of Tiffany's cooking. I came to invite you for the Weasleys' Christmas Party!"

"No, thank you," immediately said Severus, before sipping his coffee.

"Why not?" asked Molly, offended by his quick dismissal, "You haven't been to one in the last three years!"

Florence took it upon herself to calm Molly down: "What I believe Severus means by saying no, Molly, is that we don't think it's a good idea for us to go."

"It's a dreadful idea," added Severus, sipping his coffee again.

"It's not just my family's party! It's yours too!" exclaimed Molly.

Teen Drama or "Are we sure there are no more Horcruxes, wife?"Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora