Quidditch is a Go

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Note: Just a light chapter, the drama is coming, and it'll hit us all from at least three different angles. I need time to let these kids grow – and they are. Enjoy this glimpse into the Snapes' family life!

Ah, and as this is a short one, I'll post #17 tomorrow!


Holiday Break 2011

Snapes' family home

Florence was in the living room playing with her youngest granddaughter, Ayla Malfoy; the little blond girl twirled in her princess dress, dancing to a song coming from the radio, when Severus walked out of the library with a letter in his hands.

"Grandpapa!" Ayla exclaimed, running towards him, demanding: "Up! Up!"

Severus leaned and picked her up, "Who is this beautiful princess?" he pretended not to know.

"Ayla Narcisa Malfoy!" the girl shouted her name proudly, touching both hands to his face and giggling.

"Don't you sound a bit too proud," muttered Severus.

"Husband," admonished Florence, sending him a warning glare, Do not say that, Draco has done his best to rehabilitate his family name.

I know. I know. Old habits die hard...

"Beautiful name, Princess Ayla," Severus said out loud.

"Fly! Grandpa, fly!" Ayla demanded, her arms up.

You're lucky her attention span is as long as fyreworm.

Severus smiled and threw Ayla in the air, using magic to make her float down slowly back towards his arms.

She dissolved in a fit of toddler giggles that had the Snape couple laughing with her.

"Can you believe she's almost three?" Florence said, watching the girl fly up again and back down to her husband's arms.

"Nope. She's two and a half, Florence," he corrected her, "She'll be three soon enough, you don't have to make it sooner."

She rolled her eyes, knowing he wished their grandkids never grew up.

"Of course I don't want them to grow," Severus scoffed, having heard her thoughts, "Look at what happened when our kids did it; nothing but headaches and troubles."

"That's not true. They all make us proud; James and Nick are great teachers, Elizabeth is–"

"A great Mrs. Malfoy," he added bitterly.

"She's a great mum and writer!" Florence corrected him, "Her social column is the most read in Britain. Christopher is working hard to be an amazing wandmaker, and the younger three are bright and will certainly have great futures."

"I didn't say they weren't great kids, I said they gave us headaches and troubles; honestly, Florence, the only one who has never given us problem is Chris."

"When has Sophie ever–"

"She's blessed," remembered Severus, "And you won't tell me the stupid face's name."

"Stup' face!" repeated Ayla, giggling.

Florence chuckled, "You hate the man and you don't even know his name."

"Man?" Severus's head snapped up towards her.

Florence cursed her slip up, quickly coming up with something: "Yes, it's a bloke not a girl."

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