1-{Death Of The Witch}

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I should have let them burn.

That's what the children all whispered in their silence, I listened to their thoughts with a burning candle attached to my bounds and melting on my innocent hands. They all watch the unfair happen, the injustice descends down my back, screams my quiet suffering.

They clock me with pity, a dog punished for being good. This slave, that was a juvenile, was only a youth of dozens of leaf colors.

I swear on my impure heritage that this night was dark, it was cruel. I was cold and I was terrified. I was left to the forest and its eating flesh nightmares. Unkempt and ignored when I plead.

I am a child! I need love to grow for me over the years and my futile tantrums to be shot down with a disappointing glare.

In the end, I charred it all myself this time. I let the flame be my justice, the ashes dry my tears and the smoke embraces me like a friend's hug. She was there to monitor me, to take me away as soon as my screams stopped calling the insane.

The children were satisfied with my revenge, they laugh with me on the high of this eerie frenzy because we were all different but I was the most hatred of them.

We all had our sins imprinted on our skin, they were there to show the ugliness of our true nature, and yet... I was cooked for being the disgusting, the shameful, and the intruder from a perilous world.

They roasted for that crime.

Well done.


Nothing had brought his true form out and proud that a pit fire. A bonfire at that. All the more enjoyable.

Although, now wasn't the time to celebrate. " What is your report? "

The shadows creep on him, plagues dressed in the dark. They couldn't care less about the heavy atmosphere that was taking place or the glares of the grieving wolfs. " She died of natural causes."

" Expand. " Their sullens holes roam over the crowd, evaluating and analyzing the pack of wolves baring their human teeth at the uninvited guests.

" Her mate died not too long ago..." The fire had risen, mirroring the expressions at their next intrusive question.

"And?" The alpha's growl was heard throughout the forest. The shadows unimpressed, dismissed the threat.

They dared to continue. " Any message in her grimoire indicating that she wanted to be revived? "

He sighed. A witch's death is a sensitive subject, more if it was the witch herself that took her own life.

Witches don't die easily, they stubbornly make contracts with demons or even worse, angels to lengthen their lifespan.

A witch committing suicide in the name of love is looked down upon. If you were to compare, a vampire spitting out their fangs for an ancient relic would be as absurd. It means this pack was a good one.

" The only thing that I was permitted to read off her grimoire was... " His voice turned steal, feminized to a high pitch tone. " Burn me and my memories. "

Just like it came, the strange impersonation was gone, something that the man didn't appreciate when he gave his reports.

Though, it was adequate proof that was heard from the victim's desires, all the fairer.

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