6- {Look And Behold}

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A wolf was guarding the maiden.

A young one, grayer under the sunlight, and a sparkling fur under the moonlight.

" Oh my, he's here again. "

The royal beta.

" Yesterday night he came later than usual..."

In wolf form.

" Really... How sad, I suppose his wolf is still acting on instinct. "

The whispers. Arson knew that they were a lot to know from them, things that people aim to protect when you ask them yourself.

However, they were valuable for so long. It soon turns into an annoying cheap chair game on who to blame the most. Effectively cutting the fun out of it.

" So you were saying... the kings will come to dine with us this evening. " Maracissa faultlessly grasped Arson's attention, the whispers indeed too loud to be called confidential anymore. " Is my death coming sooner than I was foretold? "

Arson shook his head, negative, and passed along a cooling bottle to the patient. " Your life is profitable here. Performing or not, you are still a victim... and a woman. "

She frowned at the last part and quickly convinced herself that wherever she like it or not she had to accept the ' weak ' label and said thank you. " I guess you are to be right—"

Maracissa smelled the intoxicating lust as soon as she flip the lid open. It wasn't fresh but it was cold at the exact right temperature to keep the flavor from dying out.

She blinked, and instinctively her eyes transferred to her hands. The empty bags of flesh moved with barely any blood to blush the joints. " I see, so you've noticed. "

By the look on her face, she wasn't too happy about that. Above all, she was to play the fragile mate of the agonizing beta wolf, baiting for pity was included as searching for attention.

" I didn't, it was prominent. " He closed the debate with hot metal. While in his peripheral, the beta wolf was retreating to god's know-where.

She sighs contently, finishing it to the last bit and boosting it with a small burp. " His wolf comes to see me at dusk. He never approaches me when I do my rounds so I don't pay much attention to it. "

" Is that so? "

It may have appeared as a question but she knows that this young succubus constantly had a double edge to his words.

This was an inquiry if she wanted to answer it but could be also words thrown in the air. No deep meaning behind them.

Although, Arson had carefully begun to watch the fellow succubus, as in the way she carries herself as sick.

It was true, she truly couldn't walk even if she tried. Still, she was displaying more defects than she really was.

Her demeanor was distinctly different towards him than the others. To the others, she was a corpse, aiming the hallways at twilight and avoiding the eyes when the sun smiles at the carcass.

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