10- { Beging To Sin, Sin To Bless}

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" You look like you are in a good mood, child. " She smirks as she lets the doctor examine her. " And me who thought that I had to comfort you. " She winked.

Arson stopped in his tracks, put his cookies down, and slowly turns his head to connect with her narrowed eyes.

An awkward silence installs itself in the blanc room, her smirk widens in realization at that moment and instead of blushing, he carries his chair to an isolated corner.

There, he munched on his snacks as they stare each other down across the room. The scene could be compared to a feral kitten silently hissing at an awe-stricken human.

Well in the doctor's head that is.

" Then, it will be all for today. I will be taking my leave. " The kitten searched for a cage, doubtless that this human was here to capture him,  instead he found a tempting snack lying in front of him.

He meowed for his mother instantly, " Surely, you're not leaving us like that, doctor. We make good company, I assure you. "

" Child, we wouldn't want to bother the medic for the sake of keeping us entertained, now. He surely has better things to do and more patients to examine. " The human took advantage of his lack of attention to gain territory.

" Well, I could stay for a few more minutes, it wouldn't be such a bother for me. " The mother spots her kitten, analyzing the dangerous situation that her kin was in.

"Nonsense, don't you have to report the kings after your round? Please don't mind us and let us have a little chat between succubus and incubus. " The courageous mother that had previously stridden forward to save her kitten now hesitated.

Glancing behind her shoulder, she finds many more kittens that counted on her to provide them with food and shelter. Then again, she didn't know if the human has accomplices ready to kidnap her as well as soon as she revealed herself from her hide.

What was she ought to do now?

It was one kitten or herself and the rest of the litter. " Well if you put it like that. I suppose that I would be the one to bother in this... particular exchange of... this... exclusive dialogue of... " She has made her choice.

Before she turns her back on her precious kitten, she utters a word of apology. " I'm sorry that I'm so weak, your highness. " and with that, the image was broken.

Maracissa turned her upper body towards Arson, pushing her legs over the edge of the bed. With difficulty, she arrange her legs to not look so awkward crossed in front of her.

Arson gulped, " Now where were we? " She faked a pondering complexion and smiled. " Ah! yes, you reck of semen, fresh semen, and two different kinds at that. I won't go into explicit details but I can smell the faint scent of it in your breath... " She purred and applied pressure on her limp legs.

" Even from all the way over here, I can hear your gut clenching around it, tasting and observing it like a jewel. " She chuckled and lick her lips.

" It's like watching a child savoring a candy... I can't wait for you to properly digest it. " he definitely did not need that comparison.

Arson blinked and with great hesitation, he touch his belly. He felt it right there, it didn't create a bump or anything but it was definitely there. Swimming inside of him as it was exploring his inside. " You can feel all that...?"

The undying witch- A MotherWhere stories live. Discover now