7- {What Will We Be}

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I'm not going to give you some half-lie excuse of why I didn't upgrade any chapter for 2 or 3 weeks now.

I've been stressing over my last grade exam? Terribly.

I haven't had much time and my mind was on a rollercoaster?... Yes.

I'm still not settled and waiting for my grades to be delivered? Omg fucking double yes!!!

Yet the big problem was mostly my writing block and my anxiety seeing every day pass and not getting a single word written on that note app.

And here's why, I present to you my special anxiety/ imposter syndrome damage to myself.

Do enjoy my misery because I'm surely enjoying running away from my problems when they become too overwhelming for me to bear.

Ps: I had my graduation party and my ball yesterday on the same day so I'm fucking tired.


" How about a year? " Arson lowered his gaze to his hands, observing the way his claws retracted and sprout out of his fingertips with ease.

History repeats itself so easily.

" I do not know the duration of my mission, so I cannot promise anything. Your majesty. " He was aware of the kind of gaze that the twin king lay on him.

It wasn't one of love but of fondness, which he was glad for. However, if their wolf were to enclose their human form right at this instant he was sure that he would find more than passion in their wild pupils.

" Tell us, little one. What other than work would be able to bind you a little longer to this place? "Calhell soft words only earned more distrust in Arson's head.

This wasn't a question to answer. This monarchy was basically asking Arson to divulge his flaws. The query was too candid to be an order and too mild to bestow pressure.

" Your Majesties..." He grin at the flushed skin following the roots of his nails, an acknowledgment of fragility that was... safe.

" This..." He referred to the three of them. " will not work. "

He rejects them with a soft smile, believing the rejection will slide down their throat if it was lubed with care.

Regardless, Ciel and Cal ignored the refusal and observed their mate calmly, attempting to assess what was going on behind that obviously fake smile.

He was their mate, yes, anyone treasuring their life would agree with them on that. Yet, they were well aware that even if some accept him and others don't. All together the kingdom or the other empires will never obey him.

They will never consider him to be their ruler but solely the kings' consort.

They will never give any power or respect to a child of impurity as they did with the former queen without questions, even though she was herself of another species.

This wasn't a hardship to overcome, it was a fact. He was something to breed and make heir, not to command or demand plain respect.
Respect, was it that he was aiming for?

" You would have never paid attention to me if the bond wasn't there. " Arson decided to push the knife a little deeper. Seeking an end to this mockery of a discussion.

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