𝘊𝘩𝘳𝘪𝘴𝘵𝘮𝘢𝘴 𝘔𝘦𝘴𝘴

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The week after halloween, there was a commotion at Gryffindor Common room. Edith and Remus threw on their night robes when they were alerted. When they arrived at the portrait, students were whispering and panicking. "What's going on Min?" Edith asked as she and Remus approached.

Edith's eyes widened at the claw marks that were slashed across what previously was The Fat Lady's portrait. "I'm sure you can guess." Minerva answered for her, turning to the students. "Everyone to the great hall! You will all be spending the night there until the castle is searched." She raised her arms, ushering the students down the stairs, other professors assisting.

Edith turned to Remus with a worried expression. "If they find him..." She whispered just loud enough for Remus to hear.

"Find him first. I'll go to the Great Hall so no one questions anything." Remus leans down, kissing her forehead before rushing off down the stairs to the Great Hall.

Edith looked around, making sure the coast was clear before running the one place she knew no one would find him.

The Room of Requirement.

It took her a while to get there, having to dodge awake paintings and patrolling professors. Once she arrived and paced back and forth in front of the door, she opened it to reveal the Potter Manor living room. Edith couldn't help but still at the room she hadn't seen in over a decade. She took quick notice of the dog and cat curled up next to the fireplace.

"BITCHFOOT ORION BLACK YOU FUCKING IDIOT!" Edith started off yelling, knowing the RoR was soundproof as she marched up to the two animagi.

The two getting startled and transforming back to themselves. "Edie...." Regulus said as he and Sirius slowly stood. Sirius held his hands out just a bit as he didn't have his wand to defend himself against the raging Phoenix-Witch

"CLAWING THE FAT LADY?! YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO BE INCONSPICUOUS!" She yelled at him as she stopped just in front of him.

"THATS A BIG WORD AND I DON'T KNOW WHAT IT MEANS!" Sirius yelled right back.

Regulus rolled his eyes, stepping in between the two and pushing them back. "Alright you two, enough." He turned his head to Edith, no expression on his face. "He tried getting into the common room to get Peter. Portrait wouldn't let him in. Bitchfoot over here got mad and swiped at her."

"Can't trust him with anything!" Edith groaned. "You need to stay in here, Pads. They'll be on high alert the next few days because of this incident." She warned as she walked back to the door. "Then leave Hogwarts. At Least until after Christmas... let this die down. Me and Crooks have got it." She gave Sirius one last glare, not even letting him retort before leaving the RoR.

When she arrived back at the Great Hall, all the students were set up in sleeping bags. A few professors were walking around to make sure everyone had settled into their mats. Edith took a chance to glare at Severus before making her way to Albus. "Where's Juliet? Still in her dorm I hope?" She whispered, faining that she was afraid of the murderer possibly lurking the halls.

Albus shook her head, pointing to a few sleeping bags. There was Juliet, curled up to George with her face buried in his neck and his arm wrapped protectively around her. Edith just quietly laughed, then noticing Remus' death stare from across the room at the two in the sleeping bag. "Well, at least she's safe. Surprised you allowed that. Let alone Mister Protective over there."

Albus sighed. "Trust me, I did not. She was in her own sleeping bag. But the moment me and Remus had walked away, she crawled into his bed."

Edith just smiled at the two. Just like she used to do with her boys. She slept the best when feeling a protective arm around her. Still do. "Any luck finding him?" She asked, turning her attention back to Albus.

𝘚𝘸𝘦𝘢𝘳 𝘉𝘺 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘔𝘰𝘰𝘯 𝄂︎☽︎𝄃︎ 𝘎𝘰𝘭𝘥𝘦𝘯 𝘛𝘳𝘪𝘰 𝘌𝘳𝘢Where stories live. Discover now