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Juliet came home, as she told them, two days after the moon. She didn't look her greatest, still having some wounds that weren't healing fast enough.

When she entered the house, she was a bit dizzy, having to use the walls to keep herself upright.

"Petit Loup?" Regulus' voice came around the corner, finding Juliet clutching onto the wall looking sickly. He hurried over, wrapping his arms around her waist to keep her standing. "Juliet, are you alright?"

"Spinny..." She mumbled, leaning her head on his shoulder.

"Edith!" Regulus yelled out, carefully helping Juliet into the living room and onto the couch. He put the back of his hand onto her forehead, feeling the burning beneath it.

"Letty?" The twins said in unison as they heard Regulus yell and came to see what was happening. George was quick to her side, kneeling down to the dazed girl. "Whats wrong with her?" He asked, as if Regulus had an answer.

"She's sick. The moon must have been to much on her with her wings already damaged." Edith answered as she entered, Remus not far behind with Jamie in his arms. "George, get me two wet washcloths. Fred, get a bowl with ice cold water." She looked to the twins, who immediately sprang into action.

"This used to happen to you too, right?" Regulus asked, helping Edith tug off Juliet's coat, which was only making her hotter.

"Yes. After my first order mission where that ceiling collapsed on me, my phoenix was working overtime to heal me, which gave me a raging fever. James sat with me all night." She brushed Juliet's hair out of her face as the twins came back in with the requested items.

George set one washcloth on her forehead, Edith setting the other on Juliet's chest, which soaked her shirt. "Is there anything else we can do?" George asked, kneeling down to sit beside Juliet's head.

"Unfortunately, no. Just have to ride it out." Edith stood, knowing the twins would take good care of her.

"She hasn't gotten a fever like this since that nasty cold when she was eight." Remus said as Edith lifted little Jamie from his arms. Jamie was mumbling things, playing with Edith's hair. Little man was almost one, now.

"Well... Its the first moon since Cedric died. Rome is grieving. And her body is trying to heal her wings at the same time as the wounds inflicted by her wolf. Its a lot." Edith sighed.

"She'll be alright. She's a Lupin-Féinics-Dumbledore-Potter. A fever won't take her down." Regulus said. The twins had taken over, both sitting by the now sleeping Juliet.


Juliet woke up around four hours later. Well, consciously woke up. She'd been in and out of sleep for hours but was never actually awake.

When she did finally wake up, Fred was in his animagus form, sleeping on her lap, and George was sat on the ground, his head laying on the end of the couch by her face.

Ron Ginny, and George were playing a quiet game of go-fish, which Harry had taught Ron last year.

When Juliet tried to move, George snapped his head around, abandoning his cards to the floor. "You awake?" He whispered.

She reached a hand up to her face, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes. "How.. long have i been out? I don't even remember getting here.."

"Four or five hours. You nearly collapsed in the hallway when you came in. You had a raging fever, must have been from the moon. Feeling any better?" George reached up and picked up the washcloth off her forehead and set it back into the bowl of water. "Mum just about had a panic attack when she came home from Diagon and you were laying on the couch with no shirt on and mumbling a bunch of stuff."

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