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Dolores Umbridge was a right pain in Juliet's arse.  Within the first week, she'd already given herself and Harry detention. All for 'lying' about Voldemort's return. Well, Harry's was. Juliet got detention for having a spat with Umbridge about the lies of werewolves. The girl had to be dragged out when she all but bit the nasty woman.

Full moon and shitty people do not mix.

Her and Harry's detention landed on the day of the Full Moon, which was hell. Dolores had actually threatened to have Juliet expelled if she didn't attend. And being a Ministry official, the bitch had the power to do just that.

So, reluctantly, the two made their way to Umbridge's office. The moon was set to rise in another few hours, so Juliet was feeling it. She'd taken her improved Wolfsbane, but the prospect of having to even be around that witch made her feel worse.

"If that bitch didn't threaten to expel me..." Juliet groaned, having Harry's arm under hers to help hold her up as they walked. "With all the shit she posts about werewolves, surely she must now how much like death i feel like right now."

"Sadly, i think thats exactly why she scheduled it for today." Harry said in reply.

"Proper time to call her a sod?"

"Yes, good English."

The two entered Umbridge's office, immediately being attacked by the color pink. Juliet pointed at one of the cats on plates, whispering to Harry, "That one looks like Crookshanks." Harry just shoved her side.

"Good evening Mister Potter, Miss Lupin. May i ask why you are holding each other?" Umbridge said with her usual sickly sweet smile.

"My bones hurt. Full moon in a few hours." Juliet answered as Harry helped her into a chair.

"Hm. Yes, werewolf, right." Umbridge seemed to eye Juliet as Harry then sat down. "You two are going to be doing some lines for me today."

Harry and Juliet went to reach for quills in their pockets, until Umbridge stopped them. "Oh, no, not with your quill. Your going to use a special one of mine." She stood from her seat, setting quills in front of Juliet and Harry. "Mister Potter, you first. I want you to write 'I must not tell lies'."

"How many times?" Harry asked as he picked up the Quill, Umbridge looming behind him.

"As many as it takes for it to...sink in." She replied.

Harry glanced at Juliet, who kept a tentative eye on the pink toad. He set the quill on the page, curious as to why there was no ink but knew better not to ask. He began to write in his scribbly handwriting, same as his mothers.

It wasn't until the second line that his hand began to burn. He looked into the back of it, the words 'I must not tell lies' beginning to etch into his skin.

Juliet slammed her hands down on the desk, startling Dolores. "What the hell is this!" Her eyes flashed that glorious gold as she stared down Umbridge.

"Keep writing, dear." Umbridge flourished her hand, locking Juliet's feet to the floor. This was as much punishment for Harry as it was for Juliet.

Juliet gritted her teeth. "This is torture. This isn't right! Albus cannot allow this!"

"This is from the ministry. Deep down, you must know." She walked in front of Harry. "You deserve to be punished." She said with a sickening smile. "Keep writing."

Harry relented, continuing to write. He knew if he stopped, it would only make things worse. He just prayed Juliet wouldn't actually kill the woman and end up in Azkaban.

𝘚𝘸𝘦𝘢𝘳 𝘉𝘺 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘔𝘰𝘰𝘯 𝄂︎☽︎𝄃︎ 𝘎𝘰𝘭𝘥𝘦𝘯 𝘛𝘳𝘪𝘰 𝘌𝘳𝘢Where stories live. Discover now