-chapter 1-

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*Bruce POV*
How I hate Vance Hopper. He had so much attitude and I hate it so much. He's always giving me these nasty looks and rolling his eyes every time he's partnered up with me. But he's honestly cute.. Ew no Bruce snap out of it!! He's a bitch who doesn't know what being nice is like.

*Vance POV*
Bruce Yamada is the golden boy of our school and all the girls love him, even the boys love him too. But I hate that Bruce boy.. He makes my blood boil and I just wanna punch him. God he's so perfect and pretty.. Bruce Yamada I fucking hate you!

*3rd person POV*
Bruce walked to his Social class all though he hated the teacher he loved Social, it made him feel interested and calm. Bruce walked into his social class and saw the new seating chart. 'OH SHIT.' Bruce thought to himself. When Bruce looked at the board his name was right next to Vance Hoppers. Bruce rolled his eyes and sat down. He really hated Vance and he'd do anything to sit next to anyone but Vance. 10 minutes past and of course Vance was late but the teacher didn't care cause Vance was her favorite. Vance sat down next to Bruce and clicked his pen because he knew how much it annoyed Yamada. "uh.. Vance? can you please stop clicking your pen?? It's getting annoying.." Vance looked over at Bruce, "listen Yamada. you don't tell me what to do. now shut up and stay quiet before I punch you!"

*Time skip to lunch!*

*Bruce POV*
Ugh it's finally lunch time. Lunch is my favorite part of the day because I didn't have to listen to teachers rant about me being "noisy". I walked over to my table where Finney, Robin, Billy, Griffin, and Vance sat. Yes Vance sat with us only because him and Robin are friends. Me and Vance had to act nice to each other in lunch all time, but when they're all distracted we would give each other dirty looks and mouth negative things to each other. It's the worst.

*Vance POV*
I looked at Bruce after the rest of the group was interested in what Billy had to say and gave him the dirtiest look possible. He looked at me like he just caught me doing something I wasn't supposed to to be doing. 'Shit shit shit can they stop being so interested in what Billy has to say?' I felt my face starting to heat up. I don't know why but I always get nervous when Bruce makes eye contact with me, it made my heart melt and I always get butterflies. Bruce is the prettiest boy in the school. But I hate him, and he hates me. Nothing will change..

A/N; 469 words!!!

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