-chapter 6-

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Tw: Bullying, Homophobia, Fighting

*Bruce POV*
A couple of days passed and I was now back at school. I still sat next to Vance in Social because the teacher thought we got along well. I raised my hand and asked to go to the nurse because I was feeling a bit sick. The teacher let me go and continued her teaching about the Great Depression. After walking down the halls I ran into Moose who was the biggest bully in our school. I just stood there in silence, "Move you faggot! Or I'll make you." Before I could even step aside Moose punched me and next thing I knew I was in the ground and my nose was bleeding. I tried to get up but just kept getting kicked around by Moose. And with that the bell rung.

*Vance POV*
I exited class looking for Bruce since he's never at the nurse for the whole period. I walked down the halls where I saw a group of people surrounding Moose who was beating up a kid. I ran over to see who it was and once I saw it was Bruce my body filled with anger. I pushed everyone aside and grabbed Moose by the hair and punched him really hard. I signaled for Robin to get Bruce to the nurse to get him checked out cuz he looked weak and tired. I finished off the fight by kicking Moose in the nose, "You ever put your hands on Bruce again I will fucking kill you. That goes for everyone in this damn school!!" I walked away from the scene and into the nurses office where Bruce was. He had multiple cuts on his face a few bruises on his leg and a possibly fractured skull. I waited near Bruce till the ambulance arrived and took him.

*3rd person POV*
Bruce was put into critical condition cuz of how much damage Moose caused. Vance didn't sleep that night cuz he was worrying too much about Bruce and if he would survive or not. After hours of overthinking it Vance fell asleep in the guest room where Bruce would usually be sleeping. The next morning Vance skipped school cause of everything that happened and Moose was expelled and in court that afternoon. Vance felt alone without Bruce at his house. He actually was starting to like Yamada now and he hopes that Bruce will be ok so he can give him the hug he deserves.

A/N: 415 words!!

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