-chapter 5-

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*Bruce POV*
I looked at Detective Wright and nodded "Yes I'm Bruce Yamada.." I was so confused but thought nothing of it. "Bruce you're mom and sister are looking for you everywhere. Come with us." I shook my head no. "Listen I love my sister so much but I can't go back. My mom kicked me out because I like a boy and not a girl.." Detective Wright looked at Detective Miller, "We'll tell Amy, ok? But who are you staying with?" I pointed over to Vance who was near the pinball machine. "Vance Hopper" they nodded their heads and left the store with no more questions.

*Vance POV*
I watched the police leave after having a talk with Bruce then got back to beating my high score. After I was done with the game I went over to Bruce to tell him that we were leaving, he didn't say anything just walked out of the store. I was kinda worried about Bruce he has barely spoken all day which is odd cause he's a chatterbox. I looked over at him before driving away from the store.

*3rd person POV*
Bruce watched the birds out the window before seeing his favorite sushi place, "Vance?" Vance sighed a bit but looked slightly over at Bruce. "What's up ??" Bruce was kinda scared to ask but he asked anyway. "Can we stop at that sushi place? I'm
hungry.." Vance nodded at Bruce and pulled up to the place where Bruce got sushi. Vance didn't get anything cause he's never tried it before. "Wanna try some of mine?" Bruce was looking at Vance while holding up a piece of sushi. "No it's ok Bruce you've barely eaten all day." Bruce just shrugged and finished up his sushi. Something about Vance made Bruce feel comfortable and loved. But Bruce knew that Vance wouldn't understand his love for him, it was tough having a crush on Vance for Bruce because Vance was tough and he was shy, Vance had anger issues, he was a sweet boy, Vance was the the shitty student, and he was the golden boy. It just wouldn't make sense for anyone.

A/N: 359 words!

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