-chapter 9-

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*Vance POV*
Well this wasn't good. The crush I had on Bruce was growing and I don't know what to do. I could just kiss him. But I can't, because I don't wanna make him uncomfortable or anything like that. We were both watching the walking dead, Bruce's favorite show. After a little while I felt myself staring at Bruce. He looked so beautiful and angelic with the sun shining on his face. I heard him giggle and look up at me, I was in deep shit right at that moment. "What? Why do you keep looking at me?" Bruce still had that stupid but pretty smile on his face and I couldn't help but to stare at his lips. Bruce's smile faded a bit and the room was silent except for the TV, which thank god that was on cuz it would have been 10 times more awkward than it already was. I looked away from Bruce and at the TV just before I could do something stupid.

*Bruce POV*
As I watched the walking dead I felt Vance occasionally looking at me. I didn't look back at first because I probably was blushing like crazy. After a while I finally turned and looked at Vance. We made eye contact for about 5 minutes before Vance went back to watching the walking dead. That right there was my chance to kiss the Vance Hopper, but I didn't. My mind, and my body were telling me not to do it cuz there was no way Vance Hopper liked me, Bruce Yamada. But my heart. It told me to do what I wanted the most and whatever made me the happiest. Maybe I should start listening to my heart more.

*3rd person POV*
After a few more hours of the walking dead Vance and Bruce finally decided to go to bed. Bruce looked at Vance and smiled a bit moving his hair out of his face. Bruce just looked at Vance for a couple minutes before saying something, "Vance? You do realize your really pretty. The prettiest boy in the world.." Bruce didn't care if it was said randomly it needed to be said anyways. Vance looked up at Bruce with a slight smile and laughed a bit. "That's not possible. I'm looking at the prettiest boy right now." Bruce felt his face heat up then put his head onto Vance's chest. They both laughed and talked about stupid little things that made the other person smile.

A/N: 416 words!

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