-chapter 14-

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Tw: homophobia, betrayal, and small mention of drugs

*3rd person POV*
Bruce was still in shock. He had just kissed Vance Hopper.. THE VANCE HOPPER. "I am so sorry Vance.. I-I didn't mean to!" Vance said nothing. But he then saw his dad "Ew your disgusting!! I'm not a little fag like you are Bruce." Suddenly Bruce felt like he just had been stabbed multiple times in the back and heart. Tears rolled down his face as he ran upstairs to pack his stuff, he was finally going home.

*Bruce POV*
I couldn't stay with Vance anymore. Not after what he said. I felt betrayed and I felt like dying right there. I packed everything and snuck out my window so Vance couldn't stop me from leaving, which I doubted he even would. It hurt. A lot, but someday I would have to accept it. I walked back to my house and hesitated before knocking on the door. After a minute passed my mom opened the door

*3rd person POV*
Bruce looked at his mom with tears filling his eyes. It took him a second to speak, "Mama.. You were right. I'm a disappointment and a fag." She hugged Bruce and spoke "Oh Bruce.. I was drunk and on drugs when you told me.. I didn't mean that." Bruce just stayed silent. "Cmon Bruce.. let's get you inside and you can tell me everything." And so they did. After Bruce explained everything his mom she hugged him again. "Men and boys are stupid. Don't waste your time on them."

A/N: 260 words!!

(Sorry it's kinda bad and late :()

your eyes - brance (enemies 2 lovers)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora