-chapter 10-

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*Vance POV*
All I could think of that night was how Bruce called me pretty out of the blue. Did he like me back? Probably not. He was probably just being nice. But why would he just say it out of nowhere?? Whatever I'll stop overthinking it for right now. I don't want Bruce's day to be shit. All though it would take a while for Bruce to wake up I wanted to make sure he had a nice and relaxed day because of all the stress being put onto him the past couple of months. Bruce woke up after a few minutes, he looked so pretty when he woke up. I mean he always looked pretty. I smiled at him and gave him a hug. Why? I don't know I guess his hugs are just comforting to me. He giggled and went into the kitchen to grab a drink. I just sat there and admired him.

*Bruce POV*
I don't know how me and Vance went from wanting to kill each other to this. But I didn't mind, I liked that we were getting along now. I forgot about my mom and all the other shitty stuff that happened cuz Vance had been a good distraction for me. I guess he wasn't really as bad in the first place, he was dealing with family issues at the time and had no other way of coping so he just teased me and cause problems with me. I'm glad that's behind us now and I'm glad we can start a new chapter that would be more important than the chapters before. But holy shit. I never apologized, but he did. Maybe I should apologize, he's probably waiting on it. "Vance.." I felt him turn to look at me "I never apologized.. And I should've when you apologized to me. So I wanted to say sorry for being annoying and stubborn before" Vance slightly chuckled, "it's ok Yamada" and we hugged once again. Being in Vance's arms made all my worries and troubles go away.

A/N: 343 words!!

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