-chapter 17-

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Tw: Slurs, drinking, abuse, fight

*Vance POV*
I must have been zoned out or something because I  didn't see my dad walking in on me and Bruce looking at each other. He grabbed me by the collar of my shirt and threw me against the wall. I winced in pain but the worst part is he pulled me up by my hair. Then he spit in my face and said "I didn't raise a fucking fag!!" I could smell the rum, it smelt like shit. I wanted to cry but Bruce was there.. "And tell your fag of a boyfriend to get the hell out." That made my blood boil. I stood up and grabbed his neck and bashed his head into the window. It shattered. And he was knocked out.

*Bruce POV*
I ran over to Vance and held his face, forcing him to look at me. He had tears in his eyes "B-Bruce I'm sorry.. I didn't mean to scare you." I wiped his tears from his face and looked at him "Love... You were only trying to protect me." I softly kissed his lips, it was a sloppy (I hate that word-) kiss since he was crying but I didn't mind. We both needed that kiss.

*3rd person POV*
Bruce swore he heard sirens after him and Vance fell asleep. He slowly got up so he didn't wake Vance, and he almost cried when he saw the cops banging on the door. "Vance...." Vance slowly woke up "Hm? Darling what is it." Vance hugged Bruce from behind and saw the police. He snuggled his face into Bruce's neck, "Let's just go to sleep and block out the noise." He softly kissed Bruce's neck and they both headed back to bed and fell asleep. That was until they heard a huge bang, and 2 gunshots get fired. They were in deep shit.

A/N: 315 words!

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