-chapter 4-

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*Bruce POV*
I woke up in the middle of the night because of how much pain I was in from Vance beating me up. I quietly exited the guest room and went into the bathroom to see if Vance had any ointment that I could put on the cuts and bruises. I sat on the sink for a minute and then exited the bathroom after finding out he doesn't have anything to help with my pain. I exited the bathroom and ran into Vance on my way out. "Sorry I was taking so long." I didn't give him a chance to say anything, I just walked away and went back to the guest room where I fell back to sleep.

*Time skip*

*3rd person POV*
It was the next morning and Bruce slept in for a good 2 hours before Vance stormed into the room. "Get up turtle face. I have stuff to do today and you're coming with me." Bruce groaned and put the blanket over his head "5 more minutes.." Vance physically dragged Bruce out of the bed, "No. Get up and get changed right now!" Vance walked out slamming the door slightly so he didn't scare Bruce. Bruce rolled his eyes and threw on a baseball shirt and jeans he found in the room. After about 15 minutes Bruce was finally done getting ready, he walked out of the room and went over to Vance. "Finally.. Took you like 100 years." Bruce just rolled his eyes and got into the car.

*Vance POV*
Bruce had a bit of attitude today but I just ignored it because I thought maybe because he just woke up that was why he had so much attitude. I looked over at Yamada and sighed, "What?" Bruce looked at me in confusion. "Huh?" "You're acting weird. You have a lot of attitude." Bruce laughed a bit. "We hate each other remember? Plus I always give you attitude." I shook my head and started driving to the grab and go with Bruce.

*3rd person POV*
Bruce and Vance arrived at the grab and go and Vance went straight to the pinball machine. Bruce just sat at the back of the store and waited for Vance to be done playing his game. Bruce got bored of just sitting there so he decided to walk around the store for a bit, until he was stopped by Detective Wright and Detective Miller. He looked at them both very confused. "Are you Bruce Yamada?"

A/N: 415 words!

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