-chapter 7-

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*Bruce POV*
I woke up in the hospital, my mind was foggy so I couldn't remember what happened. The chair next to me was empty and I wasn't surprised because none of my family spoke to me since my coming out. I stared at the ceiling for a bit till a nurse walked in, "I'm glad you're up now Bruce. You have a visitor!" She smiles at me then walked out of the room. I had a visitor? I mean I'm not mad but nobody I know has time to visit me. I turned to look at the door and when I did I saw Vance standing there, "V-Vance?" he sat in the chair beside my bed and stayed quiet for a couple minutes before speaking. "Bruce.. Listen I'm really sorry I've been a dick to you. I really didn't mean to hurt your feelings.. I- uhm. I was just jealous..."

*3rd person POV*
Bruce looked at Vance, "jealous?" Vance looked up at Bruce and nodded. "Yeah.. jealous" Bruce just stared at Vance for a bit, moving his hair out of his eyes. Vance made eye contact with Bruce for a second before Bruce went back to looking at the ceiling. "Don't be jealous of me Vance. I'm not a huge deal." Vance just sighed and watched TV until visiting hours were over. After Vance left Bruce felt upset because he was enjoying Vance's company. A couple hours passed and the nurses told Bruce that he would be able to go back home tomorrow, he just had to rest for a couple weeks due to the damage caused from the fight. Bruce ended up falling asleep dreaming about Vance.

*Time skip*

*Bruce POV*
It was the next morning and I was getting ready to leave the hospital. I was waiting for Vance to pick me up. Once Vance arrived we both got back to his place and I laid on the couch since I wasn't aloud to do a lot of movement due to my cuts and bruises. Vance sat next to me and wrapped his arm around my shoulder as we both watched TV for a few hours. After time passed I fell asleep, then Vance ended up falling asleep in the same position as we were before. At that moment I felt safe. I didn't want it to end.

A/N: 392 words!

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