(S2 Finale) Chp 42: "Helheim/The truth"

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As Leonidas stepped through the gate he walked the bridge of ygdrasill in silence until Mimir broke the silence

Mimir: well, I'm pretty sure you weren't talking to me back there, anything you'd like to get off you're chest brother?

Leonidas: well, there's alot actually Mimir like for one, the souls of the people my father encountered are within me

Mimir: my, that is interesting

Leonidas: and thyre actually family, like my grandpa and two of my grand uncles

Mimir: I see, who's you're grandfather?

Leonidas: "sighs"...Zeus

Mimir: Zeus?!, So you're father was Greek then?

Leonidas: yeah

Mimir: well lad, id of never guessed that

Mimir says as Leonidas steps out of the realm between realms into brok and sindris shop

Brok: hey, you reek of foreign magic

Sindri: Leo, your here pretty late, did you find Broks stupid stone?

Brok: nah forget the stone, what are those?

Brok asks as he notices the blades on Leonidas's back

Brok: I've never seen the like, that's gotta be a family heirloom

Leonidas: I'm not...sure that's what they were meant to be brok

Brok: son, we created mjolnir for the big idiot, I know from quality and them...them's special

Sindri: hey, where's Atreus?

Leonidas: he's fallen Ill

Sindri: oh no, what happened?

Brok: Aseir?

Leonidas: no it's my fault, and my responsibility to fix it

Brok: well, we all gotta take responsibility sometimes, huh?

Sindri: what can we do to help?, we'd be more than happy to help you with this

Leonidas: there's nothing right now, but if I ever do then I'll hope to find you

Sindri: alrighty then, you be safe

The dwarfs were about to head back to work until Leonidas called brok

Leonidas: hey brok

Brok stops in his place as he looks at Leonidas, Leonidas pulls out the stone the brok dropped and tossed it over to him, brok nods as Leonidas makes his way into the realm travel room, Leonidas approaches the table

Mimir: now that Freya has given you the travel rune to hellheim, it should be unlocked on the table

Leonidas places the bifrost into the table as the rune on Leonidas's palm glows, Leonidas activates the table as it was set to hellheim

Mimir: it's done, we really are doing this

The room begins to glow as the bridge started to travel to hellheim, once the bridge was finished, Leonidas approaches the door opening it

Mimir: let me take this moment to tell you that what you're about to do is absolutely insane, not even Odin can survive this cold, so I hope those blades work

Leonidas: they will Mimir, they have to

Mimir: I trust you on that brother

Leonidas approaches the exit as he opens it, as the freezing cold air made contact with his skin, Leonidas had entered hellheim

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