Chp 43: "Wolf rescue/ control"

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Summer was nearing it's end as Leonidas, atreus and mimir were out hunting as they told mimir about thyre trip from I-island

Mimir: my, that is a lot lads, I'm just glad you two are alright

Leonidas: yeah, it was pretty rough but we pulled through in the end

Atreus: half of it was kinda fun to be honest

Leonidas: maybe a little, but it was still serious

Atreus: next time we go on a trip, I vote to pick the place

The trio then spot a deer as Atreus was about to take aim as he strapped that black string that Melissa wanted Leonidas to give him back on I-island

Leonidas: you still have that?

Atreus: yeah I mean it was a gift, what happened to those heat/coolers she gave you?

Leonidas: I uhhh, lost them

Atreus just sighs as he takes aim, while he was concentrated the two then hear the yelp of a wolf behind them, further into the woods, they turn around as they run behind a tree to see a wolf being pulled away by some rope, they then hear a group of men taking in a different language

Atreus: what was that?

Leonidas: I don't know, but I dont like it, especially since it's close to our woods, let's follow them

Atreus agrees as the trio follows the sounds of the whining wolf

After a few minutes of following the sounds, they come across a cave that appears to be a hideout, the people taking shelter inside appeared to be raiders, Leonidas didn't like the fact that they were close to thyre childhood home, so he starts planning

Leonidas: okay, I say you take a good vantage point, when I get thyre attention and I start attacking, you make every shot count, cool?

Atreus: I got you

Atreus says as he starts to sneak to a good vantage point, Leonidas gets up as he pulls his blades out

Mimir: you sure you don't want to question them at least?

Leonidas: what's there to question?, thyre kidnapping wolves and taking refuge near our old house

Mimir: fair point

Leonidas gets closer to the cave as he calls out to them

Leonidas: hey, this is private property, I'm gonna have to ask you to leave or you won't like how this ends

The raiders didn't like this as they grab thyre weapons and charge towards Leonidas, but before the first three could strike him, three arrows pierce through thyre skulls killing them, Leonidas smiles as he pulls out his blades, cutting through the remaining raiders attacking him

Once he was finished with the raiders Atreus reunites with his brother as they start questioning

Atreus: why do you think they were they so close to our woods?

Leonidas: no idea, but while we're here we might as well raid thyre cave

Mimir: aye, could be some valuable resources they might've stolen, plus we could look for the wolf they captured

The trio then enters the cave to see multiple empty cages, but they heard whining all the way in the back, the trio make there way to where they heard the whining only to see two scared female wolves

The trio then enters the cave to see multiple empty cages, but they heard whining all the way in the back, the trio make there way to where they heard the whining only to see two scared female wolves

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