Chp 113: "Thunder and mead"

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We open up to see Leonidas, kratos, atreus, aizawa and the class all walking back into sindris house to see Freya sitting next to s drink Freyr

Freyr: oh, you're back!, the heros of the hour, I want to hear everything, I mean...when your ready, I'm not giving orders here

Freya: try to rest yngvi, let the herbs work

Freyr: oh they work, oh they..they work very well, cus you make things better, you always have, since we were kids...I find a new way again into trouble, and you find a way to make it better

Freya: well that's certainly true

Freyr: hey, you guys know we used to lead vanaheim, together when we were young

Momo: really?

Freyr: yeah, yeah, not much older then you kids...well she did the leading, I just...tries to keep things fun, leadership, not really my strong suit let's be honest hehe

Leonidas: I mean your group back in vanaheim seems pretty devoted, your doing fine so far

Freyr: well...I can inspire people, I guess...get them to see the best in themselves, y'know?, I don't know if that's leadership...more like umm...

Atreus: like a muse?

Freyr: a what?

Atreus: a muse, father told me and Leo about them, in his homeland they inspired all kinds of artists

Freyr: what?!, I love that...that's a job?!, well...why don't we have that?!, ah maan...I could totally do that

Leonidas: they were all goddesses though...

Freyr: well...ugh come come on, thats not fair, that's not fair i-i would be a natural, ugh....what were we talking about? know that's kids hair is kinda funny

Freyr says pointing at kaminari as he raises an eyebrow and jiro snarks as she tries to hold in her laughter

Kaminari: what?

Jiro: hehe, yeah really gives off a Pikachu vibe

Freyr: what...what's a Pikachu?

Freyr asked as Leonidas walked over to the table as he whistles and gets everyone's attention as he sets gjallarhorn on the table

lida: is done then?

Freyr: look at that, hehe, you really did it, how in all the nine realms, did you manage to kill Heimdall?

Brok: I knew our spear would do the trick, welp, Happy Ragnarok everybody!...let's drink

Brok says as he goes to grab a bottle

Aizawa: maybe I could use a drink...

Tyr: is it true?, Heimdall's dead, I can't believe it....there's no stopping it now, Odin swore peace only so long as you spilled no more asier blood

Leonidas: yeah sure, but I said no

Tyr: yet he honored said deal

Kendo: what?, Tyr you weren't there, Thor tried to kill him back at the dorms

Tyr: and yet he survived did he?...but now...

Freya: but what?, you and I know better than anyone that Odins promises never last, we have the advantage now, its time to bring him down

All might: I wouldn't agree, considering it's too early for a potential war when we still have another war on our hands back in midgard

Tyr: none of you understand what's coming, Odins vengeance will be his only concern

MHA: Hero's and God's Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang