🎥Two hero's: Part 3🎥

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Currently everyone was in the staircase where they heard that villans had taken over the tower and hacked into the security system, all might had instructed them to get away from the tower

lida: we've received all mights orders loud and clear, he's our teacher I suggest we follow his instructions and escape this place, otherwise we'd be going against his will

Yaoyorozu: I'm afraid I have to agree with what lida is saying, were still only students, we can't fight these villians if we don't have our hero licenses

Leonidas: taking risks in life is one of the things that a hero does, we can't just leave while there are hostages in the other room

Atreus: I agree, I might not be trying to get into the hero business but...we can't just leave those people behind

Kaminari: well, why don't we get out of here and tell the heros outside

Melissa: it's not going to be very easy to escape, the security system here is on the same level of Tartarus prison, which is where they keep the most dangerous criminals

Kaminari: well, I still suggest we at least try to escape

Leonidas: are seriously okay with that man?

Kaminari: I mean what other choice do we have?

Leonidas: at least try and help those in need, that's what i suggest

Mineta: hey come on, those villians have even got all might trapped, there's no way we can stop them ourselves while the actual pros are stuck

Todoroki: aren't we trying to be pros ourselves?

Yaoyorozu: well yes, but we're not allowed to work as heros you know that

Todoroki: does that mean, that it's right to do nothing at all?

Leonidas: see, todoroki gets it

Yaoyorozu: I see what you're both trying to say but...it's complicated

There was a moment of silence until kendo broke it

Kendo: I say we should help, how can we really strive to be heros when we're just running away from the problem

Mineta: you wanna go fight those villians?!, Didn't any of you guys learn anything from the USJ?!

Leonidas: this isn't the USJ, I never said we had to fight them, we just gotta come up with a plan to rescue all might and the other pros, nobody has to fight anyone

Kaminari: that's easy to say, but you know it won't be that simple Leo

Kendo: maybe not kaminari, but we should try, we can figure out a plan on the way and keep the villians from achieving thyre goal, we can save everyone

Atreus: I vote we do so, who else?

The people to raise thyre hands was Leonidas, kendo, Atreus and todoroki and tokage

Tokage: I'm up for it, let's go save the day, yeah?

Melissa: I know where the security system is, it's on the top floor of this tower, if these criminals managed to take control of it, then the authentication locks and password have probably been disabled, we should be able to start the system ourselves, we just have to stay of the villians radar until we can get to the top floor, if we do that the whole island will be safe again

Jiro: but how can we lay low for that long?

Melissa: If the security system hasn't discovered us yet, that means the villians probably don't know how it works very well.

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