🎥Hero's rising: part 4🎥

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It was the next day as the class only had a few hours before thyre attack on the villans, currently they were strategizing a plan with a map of the island displayed on the table

Atreus: what's the plan Leo?

Leonidas: since we know there's at least three villians out there right now, we'll use the castle ruins as our stronghold, that will give the enemy a single route to reach us, then we split the villians up with a primitive strike, using the terrain in each area...

Bakugou: we'll beat them into the ground

Leonidas: the people is going to be evacuated into a cave in the cliff, and katsuma and mahoro is going to be under our protection, we also need to secure ab escape route to use if things go south

Mimir: what are you gonna do with the bloke with multiple powers?

Leonidas: when me kendo and bakugou fought him, I was able to break his gear and he looked as if he had trouble breathing, I'm probably our best bet at taking him down, but we know why he's trying to steal katsuma's quirk

Kendo: so we have to exhaust him?

Leonidas: yes, and we'll attack the villians in waves and make him use his quirk, so since he can steal quirks, we'll have to do this in a way that avoids close combat if possible, you guys leave that to me and Atreus, if we defeat the villian then good, but if not we'll just have to wait until our backup arrives

Todoroki: then we can keep everyone safe

Bakugou: no...were gonna win

Hours later the sun had rose as they set up defenses at the castle ruins as they waited for the villians to show up, leonidas was scouting with shoji, jiro and tokage while katsuma and mahoro was with them, shoji spots the villians approaching

Shoji: there they are, thyre walking on the route we predicted

Down with aoyama and yaoyorozu, they attacked the villians which caused them to split up, nine was still going forward as kendo, Atreus and sero were about to face off against nine, kendo speeds forward as she throws multiple boulders in the air as sero taped them all up and was about to slam them into nine

Sero: tape shot, trident!

Atreus: falkili!

Atreus shouts as he summons a hoard of runic hawks towards nine, nine shoots beams towards the rocks and the hawks coming at him until he spots Atreus and was about to shoot him

Mimir: lad, dodge!

Atreus dodges out of the way as he shoots a few arrows at nine who just blocks them

Kendo tosses more stones into the air as sero once again was about to slam them against nine, but he once again just shoots them down

Atreus: I got something for him

Atreus says as his markings glow blue and summons a hoard of runiks elks as they charge at nine, before they could hit him nine creates and airwave which sends the elks back along with the trio, nine was about to attack them until sero tapes up Atreus and kendo as they fall back

Sero: time to bring out the big guns

Sero says as they make it to a cave where Mineta was watching over it

Mineta: guys!

Kendo: Mineta, open the gate!

Mineta nods as he opens the gate as the soul of the nomu from the USJ charges out of it running towards nine, the nine shoots more beams at the nomu but he regenerates from all the attacks, the nomu pounces onto nine as as he starts to restrain him with his arms

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