Part 2: The great Empowerment

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Warnings: Neglection, trust issues
(By the way anything religious happening here isn't related to anything irl. This world does not equal our real world. This is my universe and so it doesn't have religious beliefs that are existing irl)

It was a normal morning. Like always Erika went outside already 7 in the morning because she wanted to pick flowers for all her friends. She is really kind and extrovert. When her friend came outside too at 9 am, she greeted them with flowers. They are always happy about it. They were playing games like tag or hide and seek after that. Then at 10 am, there was breakfast. Due to the neglection of the children due to the orphanage caretakers, Kate always cooked for them all and was helped by  mostly Erika and Viktoria with that. After the breakfast, they always help other children. They help them sew holes in their clothing, treat wounds or sick children, comforted sad children and also helped to find things that kids lost. Then again Kate, Viktoria and Erika cook for the children, but this time lunch. Still was nothing out of the ordinary. Then in the afternoon they could do things that they wanted. Only this afternoon happened something that changed their life forever. They were playing games in the garden again when suddenly a beam of light appeared and then a person stepped out of it. It looked like a man that was in his twenties. He had a bow and a backpack full of arrows. He also had long golden hair that looked like it was shining. He walked a bit closer. The kids thought that he is gonna hurt them so Lila and Kate quickly went to the front and put their arm up, ready to defend their friends if necessary. The person stopped infront of them and got down to their level. He then put his right hand on Kate's shoulder. "Do not fear, little one. I'm a cupid. I was sent by my friend, the creator of this world. He wants to see 5 of you 10. Hmmm. I don't know who is who so I will just say the names of the ones that come with me and you'll follow me okay?" He asked. Lila didn't trust him. "I don't believe you. We will not follow you!" She said. "Oh you have to. It's important. Really important for this world. Okay so the ones coming with me are...hmmm... Erika, Mai, Viktoria, Itsuki and Kate. Follow me!" He said and turned around and waited for them to follow. Erika is Mai's best friend. So she took her hand and slowly followed him. "Guys don't tell me you believe them!" Lila said, clearly annoyed and untrusting towards this 'cupid'. "Lila. It seems to be really important. If something happens, you know I can defend them. Don't worry." Erika said and waved at the other 3 to follow too. Itsuki, Viktoria and Kate slowly followed too. The others decided to wait for them to come back. The 'cupid' lead them to another light beam. As they stepped in, they were beginning to float. They flew into some sort of white empty world. A figure was there. It looked rather disturbing. As it saw them getting scared of its disturbing form it apologized. "I'm sorry. I will change to a more human form." As it said that it changed into a man with long tied up red hair, 4 eyes, 4 arms and large angel wings. It looked down at them. "I'm the creator of this universe. You can call me by any name you want. I'm here to give you a gift of great responsibility. It is important for the safety of this world." It said in a rather friendly voice. "I will let you rule certain parts of this world and you will need to protect it since you will be the rulers of it. I will also give y'all a last name. As long as this last name is part of your name, it'll make you and everyone that is born after you with your blood immortal. If you now have the question: 'What should we protect the world of?' Then I'll give you the answer now. I want to grant everyone that will ever be born and is already born a power. Some people get harmful ones too. I want to test how you are able to protect this world under those circumstances." Everyone was shocked. They would have never expected something like that but they were also too scared to say anything against it. So they just tried to accept it. "Okay with who do I start first? Hmmm anyone wanna go first?" It asked. Erika stepped in front of it. "I will go first." She said. "Okay great! So you will be ruling over half the earth. Therefore you will be a phoenix." It snapped its fingers and Erika felt an intense pain. Then suddenly purple phoenix wings grew out of her back. She screamed because it was painful but once it was done, she looked at them and was facinated. "Okay so who wants to go next?"....
//Yippie another 'chapter' today lol. Not much to say except for I still wrote this on the car ride lol:,)
Nathan out!

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