Part 5 (2): On a little journey

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Sorry for my long break. School was tiring and I lost motivation for alot of things lol. Anyways:

Tw: mention of diseases (eye diseases to be exact), mention of coming blindness, basically some Erika angst ig

That's it, enjoy!

Desmond's constant work in the basement with dimm lights soon caused his sight to worsen. He would need glasses. The caretakers of course wouldn't take him to get some so he decided to go by himself.

"Where fo you think you're going?" Kate asked suspicious. "Let's make it short: I need glasses. Probably." Desmond explained trying to walk out the door. "Oh, you're not going anywhere without the right protection! We will clear this amongst everyone and select two people to join you. The city is dangerous for people like us alone." Kate explained as she dragged him into the common room.

"So we need someone to go with Desmond because you know how the city is. So basically I think Erika and Will would be perfect to go with him. Erika can have visions and with that warn them when something is gonna happen and Will can use his force fields to protect them!" Kate explained. Erika and William looked at each other before agreeing. "Well then Des, let's go." Will walked over to the closet to get his winter jacket. So did Desmond and Erika.

They got on their way to walk through the streets of the city. Everyone stared at them weirdly. They tried to ignore their weird reaction to seeing them.

"So... How about your eyes Erika? You look like you're-"
"Blind? I know that. You don't need to tell me." Erika quickly cut Desmond off.
"I suffer from RP (retinitis pigmentosa). It's a genetic eye disease that turns me blind slowly. My mom had suffered the same genetic disease"
Erika explained staring at the ground seriously.
Desmond was shocked about that revelation and stayed quiet.

William tried to change the theme. "Hey, Des, where did you grow up?"
"Well, definitely atleast 3 miles away from Fortress Aegis. They spoke german where I came from. I still haven't completely adjusted to speak english." Desmond told him chuckling akwardly.
"Well I've realized you accent is... Well... Different." William said trying to sound as nice as possible. Desmond just frowned and they walked in silence again.

They arrived safely at the eye doctor. She was a young woman with short platin blond hair and green eyes. Even she wore glasses, a really flashy red pair even.

"Oh, good day Erika! How are you? Are those your friends?" She asked happily.
"Hello miss. They those are my friends." Erika pointed at each of them.
"This is William and this is Desmond."
"So why are you here today? Has your sight gotten weaker again?"
"Well... Actually my friend Desmond has some problems with his eyes. But when I'm already here we can do a check-up on my eyes too. But first it's Desmond's turn."
Erika said. She and William sat down on nearby chairs watching as the eye doctor sat Desmond down and started looking at his eyes.

She was silent for a moment before looking frightened.
"Boy, what is wrong with your eyes? I've never seen eyes as yours before. Why are they so deep black? Why are your pupils red?" She almost sounded disgusted making Desmond uncomfortable.
"I don't know. I suppose it's genetic, but I'm not a doctor. Can you now check my eyes instead of commenting their color?"
"Oh yeah, of course"
She inspected his eyes for a while before coming to a conclusion.
"Oh you're one of those who ruin their sight by always reading in the dark. Well what a shame. You'll definitely need glasses. It's best you go in the room over there and pick glasses. While you do that I check-up on Erika's eyes"

With that Desmond went in the other room. Erika sat down infront of the eye doctor and showed her her eyes.

"You certainly have lost atleast 2 percent of your sight again. When it continues to go down this fast, then you're gonna be as blind as a mole when you're 25." She explained looking really concerned for Erika which looked at the ground while silently cleaning her glasses before saying a quiet: "thanks, doctor...."

Desmond came back in.
"I found a good modell! How much is it?" He asked.
"Oh... so you're new here... I give them free to you children as I don't want Erika to spend her money on glasses when I could be as kind and give them to her for free. So you can have it, it's free for you." She explained.
"Thank you so much..." Desmond exclaimed being stunned by her kindness.

They put on their jackets again and prepared to leave. Before they left the eye doctor called out for Desmond once more.
"Hey Desmond! I like your eyes to be honest. I'm sure your future family will inherit them and then you're known for those eyes." She said smiling warmly. Desmond just gave an akward smile back, not actually liking being complimented for his eyes.

They left and made their way back to the orphanage again safely, though they were stared at again by all the other people. This whole day just left Desmond confused to why the townfolks were acting so weird with them. He tried brushing it off as he went to sleep.

Yay finally finished chapter 5!!! Wohoooo!!!
Sorry for not writing for so long. School gave me a lack of motivation and a somewhat writing blockade. Anyways I hope you enjoy the new chapter part:3
Nathaniel out!

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